What are my chances?

<p>I'm a junior in high school and I would love to attend JHU for my BA and eventually med school.
Here are my stats so far:
GPA: W:4.2/4.0 U: Unsure
AP: Engl. Lang (haven't taken test yet), next year: Bio or Chem, Lit, Econ, Gov, Phy.
SAT, ACT: Haven't taken yet...wat would be a good enough score to get into JHU?
EC: Editor for school newspaper, French National Honors Society, French Club, Math National Honors Society, National Art Honors Society, Animal Shelter volunteer for one year, will be volunteering at local hospital this year and next year. Upstate Eight Art Competition participation certificate.</p>

<p>What are my chances? How realistic are my other options: Northwestern, Boston College, NYU, Columbia, Yale, Cambridge. What other schools do you suggest for me to go to STRICTLY in either the upper east coast, Illinois, or California?
Thanks for any information.</p>

<p>JHU seems to be very big on evaluating applications holistically. Whether their practices match their rhetoric, you can never know. They seem to care about your transcript more than test scores, but since its such a competitive school, the higher the better.
If your transcript is rigorous (has honors as well as that 1 AP you are taking this year and the 4 next year) I think with good application essays you could be almost target there. </p>

<p>Those other schools you mentioned are all extremely competitive. You’re thinking of some safeties and more comfortable targets, right?</p>

<p>I am in:
Honors Phy, Honors Alg. 2, Honors US history, Honors Journalism, Honors Creative Writing, Honors French 4, and the only class that doesnt offer honors is photo 2 and photo 3.
I know that I need some safeties, but which schools do you reccomend that I choose that are good med schools or good undergrad schools. I will apply to easier schools to get into, but these are my favorite ones? Do you have ne suggestions???</p>

<p>It’s a bit tough to tell without test scores, class rank, race, gender, state residence, public or private school, etc. Basically, you’ve given us very little to work with. Cambridge is essentially impossible to get into-harder than HYP. (Or are you refering to Harvard, in Cambridge Mass?) Good enough score depends on who you are, meaning if you’re a white or Asian male, you probably want to be closer to their 75th percentiles (730 for CR and Writing, 770 for math) because these groups are so over-represented. But if you were say, a black or hispanic female, you could get away with something in the mid 600’s for each category.<br>
Also, you do understand that JHU is the 2nd hardest med school (after Harvard) in the country to get into, right?</p>

<p>Agreed with colonization. Also, it is very hard to get into JHU as some kind of Pre-Med type major, since the hospital and med school are what JHU is most known for.</p>