What are my chances?

<p>I am a white male senior attending a public high school in new jersey. My GPA is 3.1398 and so far in my senior year I have got all A's and B's except for one D on an AP economics mid term. The GPA at my school is on a 4.0 scale and honors/AP grades are weighted 1/3 higher meaning a B in an honors class is equivalent to a B+ in a cp class. I've taken 3 ap classes and 3 honors classes in total.</p>

<p>On my Sat I got a 690 in math, 580 in critical reading, and a 510 in writing. I also scored 610 on the math II sat II.</p>

<p>I applied early to Umass Amherst, but was deferred. What are my chances of getting in at Umass Amherst, Rutgers, and Ohio State?</p>

<p>I got into Rutgers yesterday, but I still don’t know about Umass or Ohio State.</p>

<p>~ UMASS Amherst, you’ll be waitlisted.
~ Rutgers, IN
~ Ohio State, denied.</p>