What are my chances???

<p>My top choices for college are UVA, William and Mary, or UCLA
I want to go into Law.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.2
PSAT: 175 </p>

<p>Class President</p>

<p>On #1 volleyball team in my district</p>

<p>I go to a special magnet school
...and I am also Class President there.
In the last graduating class at my magnet school, 17 people applied to UVA (the class size was 23 people) and 14 of those people made it.</p>

<p>on varsity softball</p>

<p>Every year I run different events to raise money for cancer research in honor of my grandmother who passed away 4 years ago.</p>

<p>I volunteer in a hospital and tutor kids to get them ready for high school</p>

<p>.....It is not much so far but I am working on that</p>

<p>Also I am looking for tips and advice for anything about getting ready for college!</p>

<p>I will chance you back if you want!</p>

<p>Last year the colleges I wanted to go to most were UCLA, Harvard, Yale, or Stanford</p>


<p>My GPA unweighted is 3.9</p>

<p>anyone want to chance me?</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> hahaha :D</p>

<p>can’t tell definitively till you get SAT scores.</p>