What are my chances?

<p>-Rising Female Senior at a Michigan Catholic School
-We have 7 classes (one of which must be religion) on a semester system.
-Class Rank: 6/115, but I have taken all of the honors classes available at my school and more AP classes than anyone in my class.
-GPA: 4.1 weighted, 3.9 unweighted
-Interested in possibly double-majoring in political science and mathematics.</p>

<p>Freshman Year Classes:
-Freshman P.E.
-Honors Biology
-Honors Western Civilizations
-Honors English
-Honors Algebra 1
-Freshman Art</p>

<p>Sophomore Year Classes:
-U.S. History
-German 1
-Honors Composition 10/Honors American Literature
-Honors Algebra 2

<p>Junior Year Classes:
-Independent Study German 2
-AP Psychology
-Honors Composition 11/Honors British Literature
-AP European History
-Honors Pre-Calculus</p>

<p>Senior Year Classes:
-Environmental Science
-Speech/Business Law
-AP Government
-German 3
-AP Calculus
-AP English Literature</p>

<p>*At my school, we can only take AP classes our junior and senior years.</p>

<p>ACT Composite Score:33
-English: 34
-Reading: 34
-Science: 27
-Math: 35</p>

<p>-I am in the National Merit Scholarship Competition and got the highest PSAT at my school.
-I have received awards at school for citizenship, math, english, chemistry, etc.</p>

-Tennis: 9 (I hurt my back, so I cannot play anymore. The pain has also prevented me from doing many other things.)
-Amnesty International: 9,10,11,12 (Co-Chairperson 11,12)
-Science/Math Club; 11,12 (New club this past year)
-National Honor Society: 11,12
-Teachers Aid for NHS: 11,12
-Students Against Destructive Decisions; 9,10,11,12
-Habitiat for Humanity: 11,12
-Volunteer hours required for school: 9,10,11,12
-Church member
-Volunteered at a local hospital: 11
-Was in charge of a mock-presidental election campaign at my school: 11</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Great shot.</p>

<p>In my opinion, you’ll be accepted, no doubt. Your GPA is stellar, fantastic ECs, and your ACT score (33) is multiple points higher than the high end of GWU’s average.</p>