<p>Sex: Male
Race: Asian
Ethnicity: Filipino
Major: Ophthalmology, Optometry, or Occupational Therapy
Career goal: MD/PhD
High School: Workman High (Public school) </p>
<p>GPA: 4.87
Class Rank: I'm at 44 at the moment because I did terrible during my Freshman and Sophomore year. By next year, I'll probably go down to 20. </p>
<p>SAT: Will take this October.
SAT II: N/A.</p>
Sophomore: N/A I took Honors Bio.
Junior: APUSH - passed with a 3. I also took AP Chem. </p>
AP club and AVID. </p>
I am currently writing my personal statement. </p>
<p>Letter of Recommendations
I should have them by next month. </p>
<p>Additional Information
I might join more clubs. </p>
<p>Should I apply to UCI, UCLA, UCSB, or UCSD? </p>
<p>I am aware that my transcript isn't as good as the rest.</p>