What are my chances?

<p>Sex: Male
Race: Asian
Ethnicity: Filipino
Major: Ophthalmology, Optometry, or Occupational Therapy
Career goal: MD/PhD
High School: Workman High (Public school) </p>

<p>GPA: 4.87
Class Rank: I'm at 44 at the moment because I did terrible during my Freshman and Sophomore year. By next year, I'll probably go down to 20. </p>

<p>SAT: Will take this October.
SAT II: N/A.</p>

Sophomore: N/A I took Honors Bio.
Junior: APUSH - passed with a 3. I also took AP Chem. </p>

AP club and AVID. </p>


I am currently writing my personal statement. </p>

<p>Letter of Recommendations
I should have them by next month. </p>

<p>Additional Information
I might join more clubs. </p>

<p>Should I apply to UCI, UCLA, UCSB, or UCSD? </p>

<p>I am aware that my transcript isn't as good as the rest.</p>

<p>Can’t predict until you get your SAT I and SAT II’s done. You’ve given ABSOLUTELY no information :P</p>

<p>What other information should I add? Sorry, I’m just new to this.</p>

<p>First, you need to calculate your UC GPA which you can get the formula for on the UC Pathways website. Next you would need to give scores–PSAT or what you get on SAT practice tests.</p>

<p>I calculated my Junior years overall UC GPA and it’s a 3.86.</p>

<p>PSAT: 430 Math 390 Critical Writing. As for my essay, our instructor was late and we didn’t have enough time. - This is the second PSAT I took. The first test, I did fairly well and reached over 1400. I just cant find the first PSAT results.</p>