<p>(EDIT: Whoops, I just realised there is a category with this very title! Could a moderator please move this to that category? Sorry.)</p>
<p>I have no clue where to apply for college I have no idea where I am "at" academically, and I was hoping someone could give me a vague idea of some schools that might accept me. As for my desired profession, I would like to go into the field of medicine. Sorry for asking such a generic question, but I don't know how to be more specific...</p>
<p>My grades for my Sophomore and Freshman years really sucked, I don't have my transcript with me, but my GPA was around 2.5 (average of the two years). However, I did show some improvement for my Junior year; I got 4 A's, and 3 B's, in addition, two classes were weighted, so that would be like 6 A's and 1 B on a weighted scale. Currently, in my senior year, I have 6 A's and one B (unweighted), with 3 AP classes (Calc BC, AP Language, AP Chem)</p>
<p>I didn't have any extracurricular activities, jobs, or volunteer work (other than one club that I dropped out of due to lack of interest). The only real acheivment that I have gained was that in my Junior year, I was bumped up from Pre-Calc to Calc AB because I did really well.</p>
<p>I did pretty good on the SAT, I got around a 2100, and I'm taking it again, so it will probably improve.</p>
<p>Also, I'm very nervous about asking people for favors, so reccommendation letters will be nearly impossible for me to get (no matter how good my relationships with my teachers are).</p>
<p>I really regret not trying harder during my first two years of school.</p>