<p>I'm a current junior, and I'm interested in applying to Duke next year. Can you guys give me any suggestions on what I need to improve on during my senior year? Thanks!!</p>
<p>Stats: </p>
<p>GPA: 3.88UW, 4.457W
Class Rank: 27th, 7th Percentile
ACT: Not taken yet
SAT: Not taken yet, but been getting around 2090 (M 800, W 680, R 610)
SAT II: Plan to take Physics B and Math II
APs: AP World(4), AP Chinese(5), will take the following in May as well as May of my senior year: AP Physics B, AP Lang, AP Calc B, AP Micro Econ, AP Macro Econ, AP Stats, AP American Gov, AP Lit, AP Environmental Science
Total Number of AP courses taken: 10.5 (I took a semester of APUSH)
Total Number of AP Tests: 12
Rigor of Highschool: really really really high, we're ranked like top 50 in the nation so the standards are high :P (Newport Highschool in Bellevue, WA)</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
Chamber Orchestra (4 years)
Piano (11 years)
Cross Country (3 years)
Track (3 years)
Vice President/Co-Founder of Music With a Mission (3 years)
Vice President of Students for Students (2 years)
National Honor Society (2 years)
Key Club (4 years)
Student Senate (1 year)
Link Crew Leader (2 years)
Link Crew Commissioner (2 years)
Math Club (4 years)
Peer Tutoring (2 years)
BYSO (3 years)</p>
1st Place at 2008 Northwest Orchestra Festival
1st Place at 2010 Northwest Orchestra Festival
Concert at WMEA Conference in Yakima
II+ at 2009 Solo and Ensemble Regional Festival (Solo Piano)
II+ at 2010 Solo and Ensemble Regional Festival (Small String Ensemble)
Outstanding Sophomore Boy (Orchestra)
Academic Excellence (2008/2009)
Special Recognition on Piano at 2006 Seattle Young Artists Music Festival
2nd Place Team Award at G.A.M.E. (Math Competition)
5th Place Team Award at Math is Cool Championships
Special Recognition Concert at PNSM (2007 and 2008)
5K Time: 20:00
1600m Time: 5:17
Knight Valor (100+ Community Service Hours)</p>
24-Hour Relay
Relay for Life
Pit Orchestra for School Musical
Pit Orchestra for School Choir
Peer Tutoring
Soup Kitchen
Tillicum Camp Counselor</p>
<p>Counselor Rec: Great
Teacher Recs: Great</p>
<p>Essay: non-existent, but hopefully great</p>
<p>I think that's about it. Oh and I'm a Chinese OOS, not 1st to go to college.</p>