<p>Hi I am an asian student from long island, ny
and i came ehre about 5 years.
i am just wondering if my gpa is up over the year, the colleges give some credit.</p>
<p>My GPA was around 3.2 in both freshmen and sophomore and got 3.85 in junior year so my gpa ends up beign 3.4 unweighted... is it going to help me alot? or they just look at 3.4?</p>
<p>I have 1340 SAT 800M 540 V
Math Ic - 730 Math IIc - 760 Writing - 590
I applied Washington University in St.Louis and they want toefl so i am taking one soon.</p>
<p>National Honor Society
Fencing 4 years- Captain
Soccer 4 years
Pit orchestra 4 years - Soloist
All-State & All-County Violin
Varsity Club 4 years
Mathletes - President
Inter Culutral Unity 2 years
National Honor Society
National Japanese Society
National Foreign Language Society
National Japanese Society Haiku contest finalist
Tri -M (National honor music society)</p>
<p>Work Experience
Sales Representative - 2 years</p>
<p>This is colleges i am going to apply ... I am applying one safety school and putting in almost all reach schools... what are my chances?</p>
<p>Washington University in St.Louis (ED II)</p>
<p>Indiana Univesrity of Bloomington (safety)
Binghamton Unversity (EA)
University of Michigan
NYU (Stern)
Cornell (hotel)
Carnegie Mellon</p>
<p>and might add couple to the list </p>
<p>what are my chances and which school should i add? I am definitely going for business ... thank you for your help</p>