what are my chances?

<p>State: Washington
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male</p>

<p>UWGPA: 3.881
WGPA: 4.4 </p>

<p>Top 7% in Class</p>

<p>AP's taken: World History (4), Chinese (5), Lang. and Comp (2), Calc AB (3), Physics B (3), Micro Econ (3), Macro Econ (4)</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Environmental Science
AP Stats
AP Amer. Gov
AP Lit
Honors Orchestra
Link Crew/ PE(required to graduate.)
BusinessLaw/Personal Finance</p>

<p>ACT:30 (Retake in sept)
Math: 34
English w/ Writing: 28
Science: 30
Reading: 27</p>

MathII: 770
Physics: 650</p>

<p>Founder/President of a Music Club, we've raised over 1000$ for charity in our first year
Commissioner of Link Crew for 2 years
4 years Orchestra
2 years Cross Country
3 years Track and Field
Secretary of National Honor Society</p>

<p>My SATI score is 1940, which is obviously lower than my ACT score, relatively. Im wondering if i should report it? Some are saying the adcoms will just take the higher score, others are saying they'll be discouraged by the lower score. I talked to the Duke admissions officer and he said it wouldn't hurt to send both. Is that really true? All comments welcome!</p>

<p>No offense, but your standardized testing scores are a bit low. Penn’s 25th percentile mark for the class of 2013 was 30 ACT and 2020 SAT. Thus, you are 25th percentile for ACT and lower for SAT. Furthermore, you are an Asian male which hardly helps things.</p>

<p>^^ what he said but don’t let it discourage you, still apply but make sure you retake your ACT and subject tests.</p>