What are my Daughter's chances?

<p>What are daughter's chances for UF? </p>


<p>My daughter applied to UF and my husband & I both graduated from there. What are her chances?
HS GPA unweighted 3.8
HS GPA weighted 5.4
Top 10% of class
All honors thru HS and 3 AP courses
SAT: 610w/580r/520m </p>

<p>Extracurricular activities:
Cheerleading; 9, 11, 12 Varsity Basketball cheerleader; Competitive cheerleader in 9th grade;
Interact Club; 11,12 grade, treasurer
Spanish Honor Society; 9, 10, 11, 12
National Honor Society; 11, 12
Habitat for Humanity Club; 12 grade
Tennis; 10, 12
Tumbling 9, 10</p>

<p>Community service: over 200 hours
Hospital; 11, 12
YMCA; 11, 12.
Red Cross; 10,11,12</p>

Academic Honor Roll Awards; 9,10,11,12
Varsity Cheerleading Award</p>

<p>i think her gpa is fantastic! maybe her act and sat are too low and 3 APs is not enough! UF has become very very tough to get into!!! but because she is a legacy she can have some chances!!! good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks. She took the last ACT & SAT in October & found out her aunt (my twin sister) was dying. She had a hard time taking the tests but ended up average.</p>

<p>You’ll want to calculate the GPA the way UF does. Honors are worth .5 and AP are 1 extra point and only count core subject and Foreign Language. With only 3 APs it doesn’t seem like the GPA would be 5.4.</p>

<p>Anything over 5 is impossible in fact. If all you can get is +1, the highest possible grade is an A in an AP Class (4+1).</p>

<p>they might be on a 5 point scale…but in that event, there is no way a 3.8 could elevate to a 5.4</p>

<p>You and your husband should write letters to the board of admissions. allumni recommendations are always great to have</p>

<p>Hillsborough County gives a .04 add on to the GPA for honors and .08 for APs. These are added on to the unweighted GPA. So you have 3.75 and have taken 20 honors classes with 40 semster grades is .04 x 40 = 1.6 Now add on to the 3.75 + 1.6 = 5.35.</p>

<p>My D had a 6.1 she took 30 plus classes on a block schedule.</p>

<p>Hillsborough is famous for their outrageous inflation of GPA- there were articles in the St. Pete Times about this girl and guy (a debate pairing that I debated a few times actually!) that graduated as val/sal from King HS or perhaps Hillsborough (?) with like over 8.0s. It was just ridiculous because you know that colleges just reevaluate it anyway and bring it to their own scale. </p>

<p>(I obviously live in a “competing” county :wink: ) anyway, her GPA and ECs are great and you should be proud of them. However, I honestly believe that the test scores will hold her back. I know someone that was about top 20, captain of three varsity sports teams, president of NHS, etc. but had similar SAT scores (actually a bit higher) and was rejected. The alumni status may help out, but know that the chances are against her with those scores. Good luck to her in her college decisions!!</p>

<p>…did u put the sickness during testing info on no.8 (i believe) that was on the infor page on the app? the one that asked if there was any additional testing you would want them to know.</p>

<p>I think that she will have a great chance. I have posted about my niece who was accepted summer B 2008. She had a veryyy high gpa, having taken 5 AP’s and only one B in 9th grade. Her SAT score was only 1080 after 2 prep courses. She is not a great standardized test taker (nervous and doesn’t focus well). She is constantly studying and an over achiever. Her dad went to UF but you guys are a double legacy. UF is obviously happy with their decision since she has made straight A’s in her last 2 semesters. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>BTW, a high SAT score does not always indicate success! My son has a friends who is on academic warning and one who even failed out already in his first semester. These boys had killer SAT’s. One was at UF and one at FSU.</p>

<p>Edit: 4 AP’s only.</p>

<p>That was a great story, Helpful Mom! Like probably many of the CCers here, I was unaware that such low (no offense) SAT scores could get into UF. It’s great that she didn’t let the SAT score stop her, continued to do well academically, and is making UF proud with her high achievements now. They must have known that, despite her SAT score, your niece would be able to compete academically with (and surpass!) the 1400+ students.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Florida - Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ufl.edu/ugrad/frprofile.html]University”>Freshman - How To Apply - University of Florida)</p>

<p>No offense taken lorrainemichaels but I thought that I would post the 2008 freshman profile. This chart shows that 25% of the students had SAT scores between 880 (minimum accepted score) and 1190!!</p>