I’m an incoming community college freshman and I just found out that I will have my 60 units done by the spring of the next school year and will have next spring with nothing left to take. Will be done with IGETC, honors program, and my major pre reqs (will also be taking more than the minimum recommended major pre reqs). I’m majoring in Political Science.
ap credit: 3 units (done)
summer '15: 9 units (done)
fall '15: 15 units (in progress, will start on Monday)
spring: 15 units
summer '16: 6 units
fall '16: 12 units
spring '16:
total: 60
I’m not sure what my options are? I really, really want to go on an internship in Washington, DC during the spring semester since I will have no necessary classes left to take. What do you think? More classes? I’m not exactly sure what my other options are.
I would see if there are any additional recommended courses that you can take to save you some time at the four-year you transfer too. If not, the internship seems like a good idea.
If you are done with the credits needed to graduate, you graduate. Some people will take two years to graduate, some take a year and a half, and some take two and a half years.
However, if you want to do an internship, most people will do that before they graduate. Maybe Spring 2016 for an internship?
It is always wise to show your plan to your adviser and ask what they think.