What are my options?

<p>I graduated HS in 2003, went straight to a CC and did okay (3.2GPA), then had a bad accident and was in hospital for a while, forgot to drop class' and ended up failing 4 classes. And that destoryed my GPA (currently a 2.3). </p>

<p>Went to a trade school for web development for 2 years, and have decided I want to return to a traditional college and Major in Computer Science. </p>

<p>I've registered back at the same CC, but my GPA is horrible, do I even have a chance at getting into a UC school? One thing I'm hoping that can help me is that I have some previous programming experience. Are there any other schools that have a good Computer Science program that some one could recommend?</p>

<p>If I went to another CC, would a university still see my previous records? Really just wondering what my options / chances are right now.</p>

<p>I have quite a few class' I will be taking for my prereq's, and I will be retaking everything I failed in so that I can replace those F's, so I will be able to raise my GPA quite a bit.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any help you guys could give.</p>

<p>You could do an academic renewal at your college where they can wipe out the classes you took. Or you can start fresh at another college and just retake everything you took. In your personal statement you can talk about how your grades slipped. They only care about your improvements not soo much on your mistakes.</p>

<p>It's not possible to start fresh at a new college. All transferable college classes must be listed when you apply. I don't know much about academic renewal but it seems like a viable option. </p>

<p>Just remember, it's not possible to start fresh.</p>

<p>new college fo show
ur starting off new</p>

<p>As mentioned above. There is no fresh start. EVERY class you have EVER TAKEN at ANY college must be reported.</p>

<p>Yes, I've heard people say that Universities look at every college unit you take, but wasn't sure. </p>

<p>So basically take the class' I did poorly in, get a better grade and do an academic renewal. And just make sure to mention everything in my personal statement?</p>

<p>For academic renewal, how does that work, or who should I talk to about that at my CC? Do I have to apply for that for each class I retake?</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your guys' help.</p>

<p>talk to ur CC, each school is different on how they work with academic renewal.</p>

<p>im sure if ur reason is good enough, they'll figure something out. good luck!</p>

<p>Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive academic renewal is something entirely different then retaking a class.</p>

<p>I think academic renewal is, like, wiping the slate clean for a particular class or semester. Like you never took it?</p>

<p>When you retake a class, the higher grade is counted. It's all a little complicated so make sure to talk to a counselor so there are no surprises when it's time to apply to schools.</p>

<p>I think Chiackdee might be right. However, there are usually things that you can do in your situation. Every college has different policies on re-taking courses and on academic renewal. The best thing to do would be to talk to a counselor at your school, they will know the policies best.</p>

<p>Some of the advice on here is bad, to be blunt: If you want to transfer to a UC or another 4-year university, it will not matter if you start over at a new community college. Every university you try to transfer to will ask for ALL of your grades from ALL of the previous colleges you attended, so those bad grades will have to be reported no matter what you do.</p>

<p>However: Anyone can look at your transcript and see that something happened in that semester where you got all F's and admissions people are understanding of that, I think. All you have to do is explain your situation in your application and they will take that into consideration. </p>

<p>But, the first thing you will want to do is talk to a counselor at your school and see what they tell you to do. You probably have a few options on how to correct the situation and you should ask them to present you with all of the options.</p>

<p>Just explain you were in an accident and were in the hospital for a while. I'm sure they would understand.</p>