What are my options??

<p>I'm an international student but have lived in the US since 9th grade. I was born and raised in South Africa and lived in Germany, attending a German school, for two years before I moved here. So i'd probably be considered pretty "diverse" lol
(did some prep so hopefully these will have gone up from the nov SAT to total about 2100)
GPA-3.4 ish with most difficult course load available
participated in decent amount of sports at JV and Varsity level, involved in clubs, and lots of service hours
passion is horse back riding, hence thought of poss of being equine vet
I am CONSIDERING studying prevet but am very interested in philosophy/history so undecided atm
Looking to go to smallish liberal arts college on the east coast. I want to know what the most selective college that I can get into is???
i know my SAT/GPA is far from brilliant but my essay/recommendations are fairly good and i'm hoping the internation experience will help me stand out
been looking at places like davidson, wake forest, elon, bates, colgate, middlebury, colby, bowdoin, hamilton
ANY IDEAS??? or advice? opinions?

<p>any advice would be much appreciated!!</p>

<p>Davidson, Middlebury and Bowdoin are definitely reaches for you. Bates and Colby (which I’m also familiar with) are also not shoo-ins by any stretch. You might want to consider adding a few more safe bets to your list. Take a look at Goucher, St. Mary’s, and a few others in that range.</p>