What are politics like at KU?

Rising high school senior is interested in applying to University of Kansas. He is liberal and not religious. Will he be comfortable there? Or miserable?

He will be comfortable.

It’s a large school, and there WILL be conservative and religious people there, but Lawrence, KS is likely the most liberal place in the state.

Lawrence is liberal and surprisingly hip. Wonderful restaurants on Mass Ave, the main commercial street, great music scene, amazing organic grocery store (the Merc), and Wheatfields which is one of the best bakeries, anywhere. Many years ago, Lawrence was called, by some, the Berkeley of the Midwest, and rumor was, the legislature never “forgave” the school for the student protests in the late '60s during which some buildings were burned/damaged. The town also takes pride in its “Free State” heritage.

This is reassuring. Kansas is definitely on my son’s radar.

I’m excited to hear this. I heard Lawrence was a great college town.