<p>I'm a senior and I'm currently at Telebears Phase II (well, actually it was 3 days ago but I still don't really have an idea what classes I should take). I have 9-10 units to spare which is ~ 3 classes (I'm still planning to take min 13 units).</p>
<p>I wanted to take a class that's FUN and one of those if I had never taken this class, I can't be called a Cal student sort of FUN and CAN'T MISS classes.</p>
<p>I'm asking because most classes I am interested in are already full/has a super long waitlist and my MW schedule is already full due to lab (I still have MW 10-11 and 12-1 open though). So I'm in need of TuTh classes.</p>
<p>Also, I'm thinking of "taking a slack" during my last semester so I can sort out what I should do after graduation (too many plans, need to make a decision at some point).</p>
<p>"Taking a slack" means classes that do not require too much readings and writing papers (recall R&C and AC classes....).
Any suggestions???</p>
<p>Music 20A, Astro C10, the works. Unfortunately all the popular & fun classes (those that fit your criteria) are probably all gone by now. Try an art history class. The professors are… interesting.</p>
<p>Random interesting looking courses in the catalog and schedule:</p>
<p>Economics C103 / Math C103 Introduction to Mathematical Economics
Math 116 Cryptography
Math 136 Incompleteness and Undecidability
Math 191 Putnam competition?
CS 194-21 Networks, Crowds, and Markets
CS 294-1 Human-Centered Design
Philosophy 4 Knowledge and its Limits
History C192 / Cog Sci C103-1 / Information C103-1 / Media Studies C104C-1 History of Information
Bioengineering 100 Ethics in Science and Engineering
Rhetoric 107 Rhetoric of Scientific Discourse
Civil and Environmental Engineering 155 Transportation Systems Engineering</p>
<p>or if the current classes you have registered into are enough to graduate, then take decals or get more involved in clubs or other social activities for your last semester, instead of padding actual units up to 13. For the last semester, there is an easy process to register with less than minimum units - the only complication might be financial aid minimums if that applies.</p>
<p>History 200X - The Hand Printed Book in its Historical Context.</p>
<p>I took this course and looovved it! You basically spend half the class time learning about the history of printing and half actually printing a pamphlet using the Albion press at the Bancroft. Les Ferris is a great instructor. Plus, you get regular visits from Tony Bliss (rare books) who usually gives access to some pretty interesting items from the Bancroft’s ‘hidden stash’ (think, Shakespear’s rare second folio, the Kelmscott press’ Chaucer, and, occasionally, the ‘human skin bound’ book - yes they have one).</p>
<p>You also get to keep one of the pamphlets your class makes. They only allow 12 students (6 per class) to participate. If you want in it’s best to contact Les directly and express interest ASAP.</p>
<p>p.s. You don’t have to be a grad student to take it.</p>