What are some good undergraduate schools for both political science and business?

I’m looking for schools ranked in the top 60s in both political science and business while also having an acceptance rate of 50 with decent financial aid. What do you guys recommended? Thank you.

Saying top 60 is silly. Look at schools below 60, many are interchangeable with those above.

That said - most every school will be fine for both.

What discipline if business are you seeking - marketing, finance, IS, accounting etc

What area of the country ? Urban, rural, suburban. School size. Weather. These all matter. What’s your home state ?

Merit aid or need aid ? What’s your budget? What are your stats ? Gpa - UW and weighted. Sat/ACT

Need info to help you. Thus isn’t a chance me but the info would help.


See first message on this chain

-Probably general business management
-location would probably be schools in the eastern area, even states like wisconsin, indiana, virginia are ideal. My home state is michigan. Probably urban and suburban. Schools size doesnt matter, same for weather.
-i do need aid so probably below 40k after aid.

  • Havent taken the sat yet, doing it this year but might go test optional. My predicted GPA after junior year is probably 3.75 unweighted.
    This is my first time using this website. thank you

Alabama might check your boxes on acceptance rate, cost and ranking.

alabama is bit too southern for me. the furthest i would go down is probably virginia while for the west probably wisconsin. I forgot to mention that I prefer northeastern states and midwestern state ( wisconsin, Illinois, indiana, ohio, michigan)

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Do you have demonstrated need? By this I mean while you have a budget, if your family cannot afford school (as determined by the college), they can help aid wise. Go to a school like Rochester or Case western. With your folks, fill out their net price calculator. See if it shows you qualify for need aid.

Otherwise star with your state schools. Your Michigan State, W Michigan, etc. Miami of Ohio could be another. Mizzou - a little West but great aid. southern Illinois. WVU, Kentucky, Maine, URI. , etc. . Lots will hit your budget, even just based on merit. You want the right school for you. Don’t worry about rank.

Ps. Hofstra and Bradley - two schools that will estimate your scholarship on their net price calculator.

How is your rigor - ie any APs, etc?


Ps. You’re just starting Junior year ? Can’t predict anything.

You’re a bit early. Focus on school. . Get involved outsude of school. Let us know after you test.

You’re at least a semester early to be asking.
If you want to learn about schools, you can borrow a Fiske or other guide from the library.

But you’re a tad early. Focus on school. Lots of colleges out there for u when the time comes.

I’m building my college list a bit early so I have less work to do in the summer before senior year. I also want to learn more about colleges that I like and also tour them.

For my freshman year, I took honor ela, algebra, honors history, and biology
For my sophomore year, I took apcsp, ap physics, and ap euro
For my junior year, I’m taking apes, apush, ap lang, ap gov, and ap stats

Ecs: student government/assembly, volunteered at my local library (70 hours), tutor ukranian students english, founded non-profit org, involved in 3 clubs, currently running for my city council’s student position ( hope i will make it )

I also already have some extreme reach schools, and reach schools in mind now but im not sure if they are good for my majors.

super reach: boston university, boston university, uofm, georgetown university, university of notre dame, carneige mellon, usc (this is probably the only western school i would go to if accepted).

reach: george washington university, william & mary, university of rochester

target: university of wisconsin- madison,

Likely: michigan sate university ( i dont know if msu is good for my majors, i heard it is good for psychology, early education, and supply chain)

Basically, I need more target schools and 1 or 2 more likely schools.

So these schools are different ?,whats the common theme ?

What’s your goal ? For a general bus and PSc degree, short of the elites. It doesn’t matter.

Any hooks ? Ethnicity, athlete, first female student ?

With a 3.75 and TO, Mich State is a maybe and the only one I’d say you get into. Wisc a reach.

More importantly go back to budget because only Mich State will hit. You need to run the net price calc. Can you afford $340k to GW or BU ? Does their net price calculator show you’ll get aid?

I sent you many schools earlier for solidness and budget.

Again you are early but you need to see if the schools you listed are affordable b4 you add to a list. Don’t discount schools like Western…

PPs supply chain is a critical function of business. You don’t need a specialty now but general is not great for jobs. And Mich State is in the capital. So will be good for internships if govt interests you and you are a hustler.

Trying to do Business and Poly Sci is likely to be difficult. Also, direct entry to the B school is usually harder than the university overall. Direct entry into the Wisconsin B school for an OOS w/ 3.75 is closer to a super reach than a target for you.

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Political science would probably be my first major, then general business. The reason I chose general business is because I want to get a JD in real estate law. If I decided to change my mind midway through I would probably do something in the business field. I picked those reach school because they have a at least a 30-40% acceptance rate and they are well ranked for graduate political science and business, so I assumed they are roughly the same for undergraduate, and what I just state also applies to those super reach schools. Though I have a super low chance of getting into those super reach school, it is still worth a shot cause you never know. After your comment, I think I might minor in business administration instead.

No hooks, Asian, not an athlete, male, will be first generation college student

For my GPA, I’m pretty sure you can update it after you submitted your app because colleges also will see senior grades. So I should have a 3.8 in my senior year which is the average GPA for almost all of the colleges I listed.

For BU, their calculator stated that I will get around 72K need-based scholarship annually.

Yes, I will definitely consider case western. MSU is also absolutely a top choice for me so is UofM since they are both in state.

Oh I didn’t mean direct entry into the university’s school. I meant schools that have an overall mid range acceptance rate. I would apply to their B school or poli sci after I gained entry to the main one.

Ok. So If you’ll get 72k that opens up a lot of privates for you. See schools like Franklin & Marshall, Dennison, etc. not easy but ….

Your senior grades likely won’t matter. For some maybe first semester.

There is no law school major so you should do poli sci if of interest, not to get into law school. In fact law schools might like to see other majors to diversify the class.

Again check back n 6 mos. But visit schools like MSU, Kalamazoo, Western, Grand Valley,…if you are out and about to see how they fit from a size and environment POV, etc.

Lastly see the list of schools that meet need. Most are super reach. Others like K, Beloit might surprise you. Btw check out who goes to Harvard, Yale law. Yes, tons of kids from highly ranked schools. But also many from Boise State, UNC Wilmington, etc. don’t worry about rank. Worry about budget so forget OOS publics, etc short of an Alabama or Arizona that have large merit aid (Miami of Ohio, U of SC etc. too - but for some you need a test, others you need a test score but not Arizona or Miami of Ohio.) Your GPA may not be helpful though - hence the list I sent in an earlier email, tailored to your GPA.

Also check a few more NPC. If BU says you are getting $72k, it’s unlikely you can afford $40k. So you need to sit with your family and get that squared away first. And again, wait at least another semester b4 jumping into this. Focus on your SAT.

Ps what is your family income ? If under $65k, try questbridge.org

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Run the NPC with U Rochester. It’s already on your list and would be great for what you are looking for since they have few core requirements allowing double majors to be relatively easy, but I’m unsure if they will be affordable for you - and as you said - they’re a reach.

Check out Dickinson too ( PA). They’re terrific for law, have business, and have been good with aid for some students. They’re rural - not sure if that appeals.

Otherwise, yes, if your parental income fits, I agree with Questbridge.


I don’t see Rochester on the calculator’s list

That’s not how it always works. When you apply to a college that has separate schools, you usually specify which one you want on your application so you would choose arts &sciences (poly sci would be here) or business. There is no “main one” unless you mean A&S which is usually the largest at most colleges. Colleges do have processes to transfer between schools. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes not. Also, you need to research if it possible to have a major in one school and a minor in another. Not all schools allow that. My kids school does not allow A&S majors to take courses in the B school.

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usually the main one with the highest overall acceptance, then I would switch over. As for having a major and minor that is just one instance. I meant that I’m deciding between business and political science because I’m okay with both. Thank you for clarifying

It’s usually best to look first on each individual college’s website rather than use a third party.


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I could be misreading your posts but I suspect you don’t have a clear understanding about how some colleges/unis limit switching majors/schools (e.g. into the business school from CAS). As @me29034 said, it is not as simple as that and should be researched if that’s a priority for you.

Edit: I just RE-read your posts and see you’re a rising junior. So this may be a bit early to develop a specific list but you have plenty of time to gain a better understanding of the process and further develop your interests. Also be careful about estimating a future GPA. Junior year is the most difficult for many kids.

Keep up your good work! You will find your college home!


Maybe something that combines the two like public policy and business? Some Economics programs might have a better mix.


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Based on what you have posted so far, you might like the University of Richmond.