What are the benefits of Ivy League?

<p>What could benefits one get from an Ivy League school that they cannot get from any other college?</p>

<p>Bragging rights?</p>

<p>lower gpa? more work? rich campus?</p>

<p>Name dropping, obviously.</p>

<p>An awesome network?</p>

<p>More resources and networking opportunities I guess.</p>

<p>You can only get a Wharton degree from Penn. But aside from specific academic programs, there is nothing you can find in the Ivy League that you could not get somewhere else as well. (Stanford? Caltech? Berkeley? Duke? Chicago?)</p>

<p>I intern at an IT recruiting firm and from what I’ve noticed, all the businesses looking to hire keep specifying that they only want Ivy League grads regardless of who has better experience and skills.</p>

<p>So I suppose another benefit would be employer bias then hehe. ;)</p>

<p>From what I gather Ivy League schools produce unicorns and rainbows for people who are accepted.</p>

<p>time for the “Ivy League” definition to be posted, athletic conference and all that…</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d have to say, being able to name drop. If two candidates were applying for the same spot, one from and Ivy, and one from a state school as the only difference, Ivy would most likely get the job.</p>


<p>The chance to wreck the world economy and stamp on the insignificant poor.</p>

<p>Partying just as hard as state school kids, all the while knowing that you’re actually surrounded by highly intelligent people and that you’ll have no problem landing a high-paying job after college.</p>

<p>compensation for something else</p>

<p>Well, i’m applying to 1 Ivy league (Cornell) and here’s my personal reasons:</p>

<p>1) Strong academics
2) PAM program which is pretty unique - Cornell has a ton of unique programs that you won’t find at other colleges, so I can take all these cool classes I wouldn’t elsewhere, like in the ILR dept
3) beautiful rural campus in the small city of Ithaca
4) Get to be surrounded by very intelligent, hardworking students - I guess I do better in that type of environment
5) Ivy leagues give excellent Financial aid, better than a lot of other private or public colleges
6) very different atmosphere from my current college, which i dislike
7) the professors in the HumEc school are incredible
8) NY State residents (me!) get a discount
8) the food is AMAZING :)</p>

<p>Pretend for a minute that the Ivy league doesn’t exist. All 8 schools are amazing colleges in their own right, and people choose to go to them for the same reason they go to MIT, Caltech, JHU, Northwestern, U Chicago, Duke, Williams, Amherst, Vassar, Bowdoin, etc…basically you can get a great education at any decent college, but the top schools will give you a more competitive environment which motivates a lot of students to succeed</p>

<p>Well, the only Ivy I feel particularly attached to is Yale, which I imagine as an enchanted forest filled with magic and friendship and laughter. Plus, you get that ineffable but oh-so-gratifying sense of awesomness and general domination.</p>

<p>you feel proud of your accomplishments, having been accepted to a well-known “IVY LEAGUE” college… :slight_smile: i would!</p>