What are the benefits to CBHP & IHP?

<p>Hi, I just joined CC so I hope this question gets to right place :slight_smile: Thank you to all who post here as I’ve been reading for a month or so and have found CC to be very helpful. My son is a HS senior who has applied and been accepted to UA. He has a 32 ACT and 3.75 (4.8 weighted GPA) so he should receive Presidential sch $$, thank you UA!! He will be applying to the Honors college but he wasn’t sure about applying to any of the additional honors programs? He isn’t really interested in doing reasearch per se so I’m not sure about having it be required. It is my understanding that you do not have to be in CBHP to do reasearch, similiar thoughts regarding IHP requirments he may want to take foreign language and study abroad but he may not (he has already taken 4 years of Spanish in HS). Can you please help us understand the benefits of the other programs before he completes his Honors application? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hello and Welcome!
Congratulations on your son’s scholarship!!</p>

<p>First, let me say that there are many students who do research who are not in the CBH Program. The CBH Program accepts a limited number of students each year.</p>

<p>The IHP is open to anyone in the Honors College. If your test scores are below the requirement, then any student can apply to UHP and IHP after attending UA and achieving a 3.3GPA (this is not your son’s case).</p>

<p>There are many informative threads here on all the different Honors Programs but a good place to start investigating the Honors Programs is here:
[Honors</a> College - International Honors](<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=international-honors-program]Honors”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=international-honors-program)</p>

<p>Doing research is a personal choice that is extremely rewarding but usually time consuming. There is also an Emerging Scholars Program for research, but is open only to those who are not in CBH. You can find the info for that program here:
[Emerging</a> Scholars Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/]Emerging”>http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/)</p>

<p>There are also students who seek out research opportunities on their own.</p>

<p>After you get a chance to read this info, I am sure you will have many more questions. Please feel free to post, we have the most informative parents/students on this forum.</p>

<p>Share the information with your son and have fun investigating all the possibilities. He can even choose to participate in IHP and then if he finds it doesn’t fit into his schedule well, he can just drop it. However, he does need to apply to all the Honors Programs he is interested in.</p>

<p>Hi and Welcome!</p>

<p>Congrats to your son for qualifying for the Presidential Scholarship.</p>

<p>What will your son’s major and/or career interest be?</p>

<p>BTW…your son can apply to UHP right now…and decide later whether he wants to apply to the other honors programs. UFE has an early Dec deadline and CBH has an early Jan deadline (if no changes in deadlines are announced.)</p>

<p>He is interested in Finance, Econ and Math. He is considering a double major as well as the University Scholars program in one of them. He should have 30+ AP credits from HS</p>

<p>Well, he should still look into CBH…as a Finance major, he could do something related to that.</p>

<p>the AP credits should make it easier to do the University Scholars program.</p>

<p>What APs has he taken?</p>

<p>My D applied to CBHP because she wanted the research opportunities (bio major), but she really didn’t want to do the computer class part of CBHP (flute minor and marching band; thought she had no tome for a 2nd minor). She didn’t make it in to CBHP, but she is part of the Emerging Scholars program. Seems like it will be the same opportunities into research, but without the additional class/minor requirement. </p>

<p>She’s a freshman who is very happy to be part of the Emerging Scholars program instead of CBHP, as she thinks it’s a better fit for her interests. (One of her good friends from her graduating class is part of CBHP, and it’s an excellent fit for him.) They have two groups this year, one group starting in each semester. Because of marching band, she elected to start next semester, although she’ll still have to meet with Dr. Webb a few times this semester.</p>

<p>Way back when (3 years ago), I applied to all the honors programs (UHP, IHP, CBHP, and UFE) to see if I would be accepted. If your son has any interest at all in IHP, CBHP, and/or UFE, I would recommend that he apply to the programs. Definitely have him apply to UHP as he automatically qualifies for admission and membership in UHP gives access to many perks such as Honors Housing and priority registration.</p>

<p>I’m a Finance, Econ, and Math major and am also doing the University Scholars Program in Economics. 154 credits are required for the triple major and either an MA in Econ or an MS in Finance. I highly recommend the program.</p>

<p>Back to your question, CBHP and UFE are great programs if one can be admitted into them. It is still very possible to have a great college experience at UA without being in either program. Arguably the best benefit of the two programs is that students have a formalized opportunity to do research (CBHP) or to volunteer (UFE). By virtue of spending a lot of time at the Honors College, these students are more visible and well-known when it comes to applying for other programs.</p>

<p>I will share some of the benefits that you won’t find on the the Stats pages, or descriptions:</p>

<li><p>My daughter had the opportunity to make a second visit to UA (for the final interview) at the university’s expense.</p></li>
<li><p>She met other kids “like her” from all over the country, and they made friends. Many of the kids that went down for the interview ended up rooming together, even if they didn’t make the program.</p></li>
<li><p>Even though she is from out of state, and didn’t know a soul at UA, she went down with an instant support group, including but not limited to the dynamic duo of Dr Sharpe and Mrs Batson.</p></li>
<li><p>Talk about making a big school small…40 Freshman in the CBH program this year…doesn’t get much smaller than that:)</p></li>

<p>I really pushed my daughter to apply for a program she didn’t really understand at the time, at a school she wasn’t even sure she would attend, but for her it was putting UA on a level playing field with Washington University and other small liberal arts schools and Ivies that she was trying to choose from. It was a great confidence booster, and although only time will tell for sure, she seems very pleased with the program so far.</p>

<p>^^^ nicollec, I can confirm 100% your post in ALL respects! I would add similar benefits for kids considering attending either Alabama Action and/or Outdoor Action for similar reasons. My D seems, for now, to have found her “crew” of girls and guys that is the core of her social group. They’re already discussing living together next year. Just an awesome experience for her all the way around from CBH and AA friends. I cannot express enough how happy & content we are as parents for her and decision that she made to attend UA. For all of you seriously considering UA from OOS, lurking hear to learn more, etc., we’ve yet to see any downside … unless it’s just the realization that we won’t see her physically for another 8 weeks or so. :slight_smile: Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^ Hope my DS gets similar benefits from FLC and Emerging Scholars. So far, he says he’s made lots of acquaintances, but then he doesn’t see them again, because the school’s so huge, and they’re all in different dorms. :frowning: On the up side, he seems to be pretty good pals with one of his roommates. (The other two are planning on pledging, so they’re down at the frat houses all the time.) And a cute girl asked him for his cell #, LOL.</p>

<p>Just to add to all the above, I think being in the CBHP can create a very positive presumption on the part of at least some faculty and staff who may only know that one fact about a student. We believed it was important for our son because he plans on doing research for a career. My son’s experience so far has been great and he reported yesterday that he is enjoying the CBH class so far.</p>

<p>Thank you for all of your responses! </p>

<p>I will share them with my son or just have him read this thread himself. AP courses taken as a junior - Calculus AB, Physics, World History and US Govt. AP courses being taken as a senior - Calculus BC, Stats and Computer Science. </p>

<p>It is great for our kids to have these college credits in hand when they start at college…no AP courses at my HS way back when…and SEA_tide good to know you are a triple major in the same 3 areas and that you highly recommend it :)</p>

<p>Hey yall.</p>

<p>I’m currently a freshman CBH student and I have to admit that I am loving it so far. I had very little idea what it was all about until I came to UA and began taking the class. Darren the professor is great and the group of people in it are fun to be around. Basically as a CBH student, you are trained to apply technology to all aspects of research, which is extremely enticing to professors in departments such as History and English, where such skills are hard to find.</p>

<p>Storm, what are you majoring in? DS is a freshman non-CBH (we didn’t even know about CBH when he applied), majoring in History and Classics. His Classics classes seem to have a lot of e-learning involved…so maybe that stuff is slowly filtering down into the humanities. :)</p>

<p>Also–saw that you did not get into Ridgecrest South North…? (Checked your previous posts.) Where did you end up? DS ended up in Riverside East and loves it. He says it’s the no-drama dorm, LOL.</p>

<p>Lady Dianeski, sorry for the delayed reply, I don’t frequent this site very regularly.</p>

<p>I am currently one of the few apparent undecided majors on the whole campus. It seems as though everyone knows what they want to study from day one nowadays, but I have no idea. I’m planning on taking a pre-med track and minoring in history, but am in the dark about an actual major. As for the e-learning stuff, I personally find it to be a complete nuisance, at least for the sciences. It’s very frustrating sometimes, but I can understand why the professors would use it.</p>

<p>I pulled a few strings with the Alabama administration and was put into Ridgecrest South North Tower after someone backed out of it. I’ve been to both Lakeside and Riverside and in my opinion they are much nicer and roomier than Ridgecrest, but I do like the faster pace around here.</p>

<p>^ Cool! Thanks for the response. And don’t worry about your major. Freshman year is for exploring, non? ;)</p>

<p>* I’m planning on taking a pre-med track and minoring in history, but am in the dark about an actual major. *</p>

<p>Well, you don’t have to decide yet.</p>

<p>Are you a frosh? Are you taking Bio and Gen Chem? </p>

<p>As a pre-med, you can major in anything. Have you considered New College? I think a design your own major would be interesting as a pre-med student.</p>

<p>LadyDianski, could you please tell me more about your son’s use of technology in his study of the Classics? And about his Classics classes this semester? This sounds like what D is looking for since she would then like to get her masters in library science.<br>
And since your son’s majors are most like what my D is interested in, would you mind telling me what honors programs he is involved in? </p>

<p>D is filling out her application this weekend. Do you apply for the honors programs after you are admitted?</p>

<p>Need clarification: Can my daughter fill out the application to the honor college now and decide to apply to CBHP at a later time?</p>

unless things have changed, yes. My D did them at separate times, and I remember reading here that many procrastinated until the deadline to do that CBH essay LOL! Meanwhile it gives your D a little more time to look into it and decide if she wants to do it or not. Honors college is a given IMHO.</p>

<p>Good luck!! CBH has be AWESOME for my D so far!!</p>