<p>What are the best majors for Investment banking?
I imagine majors like econ. Finance. Math (in particular statistics)
I know also that knwing how to program can be a plus...</p>
<p>You can get into IB with a Art History major. What matters is the school and the recruiting presence. Go to a school with a lot of recruiting and you should have the "second best" possible chance. The first "best" chance being that you are heavily connected in which case most schools are okay.</p>
<p>Wharton for I-banking.....are you applying to Penn/Wharton? Is I-banking your dream job? Better look to a program that will get you where you want to end up.......employed.</p>
<p>Do you need a grad school degree?
I want to start working right out of college and depending on how things go I will go back for an MBA or PHD in economics something to that extent.</p>
<p>Other than wharton what other schools are there?