<p>Okay im a freshmen at SUNY Albany, not the greatest school compared to you ivey leaguers. I finished my first semester, 3.5 gpa, planning on transferring to Penn State....If someone could check and see if this major would be good for IB
<a href="http://ist.psu.edu/prospectivestudents/undergraduate/sra/%5B/url%5D">http://ist.psu.edu/prospectivestudents/undergraduate/sra/</a></p>
<p>For the securities aspect of IB..</p>
<p>Otherwise will a undergrad in Economics and an MBA from Penn State give me ANY shot at IB withOUT a 4.0? </p>
<p>Or should I just go to maryland and major in finanace since Penn State B school doesnt accept transfers?</p>