What are the best MT schools?

<p>Hello everyone, I'm a senior in highschool and I'm a little late in the game and just starting to look for schools. I'm specifically looking for a college that specializes in musical theatre. If anyone has a list of the 'best' musical theatre colleges out there I would greatly appreciate your help. </p>


<p>Hi wind, glad to see you here. There have ben many discussion on this subject. The general consensus is that there is not a best one(s) because it is very subjective. If you use the search function at the top of the MT page you can access past discussions. Also in the top part of the "thread" listings on the MT page there is one called FAQ that has an extinsive list of school swith MT programs and lots of other great info. Happy reading but be quick you need to get your apps in and your auditions scheduled during the next month or two. Good Luck!</p>

<p>also, read this article for additional information: </p>

<p><a href="http://www.seasidemusictheater.org/2302_Content.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.seasidemusictheater.org/2302_Content.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Simply, the "best school" is the one that's best for you. Only you can determine that. Just because one school is deemed successful due to the most notable alum doesn't mean <em>YOU</em> will do well there. Seriously, this is something you are going to have to determine...and carefully think it out. It's a huge investment.</p>

<p>SUE aka 5pants</p>

<p>Windchase -- I'm sure you're getting a little frustrated with the vagueness of these answers! But it's impossible to get more specific and help you out without knowing more about your background. A school that might be the best fit for a singer with years of experience and training could be all wrong for a less trained but very talented actor. And there are lots of other factors to consider, including your academic record, financial situation, geographical location, etc.</p>

<p>I'm guessing that you may be a little late in the game because you are somewhat new to musical theater? If that's the case, you may want to focus on schools that have a good program but do not require an audition. You will find several threads about this on the musical theater major page.</p>

<p>If you're late for other reasons -- better get busy! The schools that do require an audition are generally highly competitive, and require a good deal of preparation in addition to the standard college application forms -- which are difficult enough in themselves. You have lots to do in a very short period of time!</p>

<p>Meanwhile, if you want some more specific suggestions, give us some more specific information about yourself.</p>

<p>I recently did a workshop at a very highly regarded regional theatre nearby, and the director of education told us that University of Michigan has the best program right now. And yes, he did go on to say that best for one person may not be best for another and finding a good fit is important, but I figured I'd throw that out there for you. (:</p>

<p>Just wanted to add, aside from referencing the lengthy discussions already had here at CC on that subject, that you should be aware that the listing at the top of the MT heading is in no way an endorsement of any school or an indication (simply by being listed there) that it is a great, mediocre, or wanting program. It is simply an indication that there has been enough conversation about that program (glowing or otherwise) to warrant listing the program.</p>

<p>^^^^Thank you MtDog71 for making a point that I have tried to remind readers of from time to time. If you are new to CC....please know that the list of MT programs/colleges at the top of the MT Forum is NOT a "best programs" NOR "suggested programs" list at all. It is simply a filing organizational system to put threads discussing certain schools into their own sub forum. This list doesn't include ALL programs whatsoever. See the FAQ link that is sticky posted to this forum that will lead you to the Big List of colleges that offer degree programs in MT. The subforums include schools that are well known and many that are not well known. Some might be well regarded and some may not be. Look for ones that fit what your personal college criteria is. Look beyond the list of sub forums....look at the entire list on the Big List in the FAQ site. Explore schools deeply to match up with your preferences.</p>