<p>My little Beta's name is Tim Burton, he is the shiznit.</p>
<p>Like laxtaxi, I thought this was a joke. I strongly advise against smuggling in a pet. First of all, it's kind of a juvenile idea, and secondly, behavior like that isn't going to get you a good reputation with teachers or classmates.</p>
<p>But, if my school allows it, I'm so bringing Eugene.</p>
<p>where did you get that name?
and what school are you off to?</p>
<p>i'm assuming you're talking to me, and the way i named my goldfish is a really really long story. basically my friend is in love with keira knightly, so when my friend bought me my goldfish she was like "oh we should name it rupert, cause that's the name of keira knightly's boyfriend, and it would totally **** max off." and it did. he started calling it eugene to rebel against the name rupert, and so he is now eugene, which is just an awesome name. and i'm going to NMH.</p>
<p>haha. i had no idea that would be starred out.</p>
<p>hellosunshine - you'll have to befriend keylyme's son so little eugene/rupert will have somewhere local to go during Christmas and Spring Break!</p>
<p>ROFL hellosunshine! :)
yes I must fins a Asheville-based fish sitter for tim.
A dorm parent perhaps?</p>
<p>Don't sneak pets into your Exeter room. Unless it's a fish. Seriously, don't do it.</p>
<p>this is kind of in response to a post from ages ago, but my fish actually haves been living for about 5 years.
and I won them at a carnival.
about 2 other fish that I had died after 2 or 3 years, but I'm really amazed by how long my fish have lasted.
Well, there is a small fact that I got like 20 fish at the carnival thing and like 10 were dead by the next morning. and they kept dying and dying until I only had 2 left.
but whatever.
my fish's names are
lucky (he/she (ugh i don't know his/her gender) is white with red spots) and dekachan (whose name would probably be something like Biggie if translated into english)</p>
<p>I remember catching a fish once at some streetside booth or something like that... then it died in a jar on the way home and I had to flush it down the toilet :/</p>