<p>Obviously you guys see quite a few of these threads, but seeing as how you usually reply to them, I will try my luck :)</p>
<p>So my stats are as follows:
2180 SAT
720-Crit Reading
<p>3.55 cumulative GPA
(No idea what it is weighted, but I have taken mostly Honors/AP classes the last 2 years.</p>
<p>Boy Scout- Almost Eagle(finishing up this summer)
Plays the bassoon in the Seattle Youth Symphony Program/High School Wind Ensemble
Plays the Clarinet in Nationally-acclaimed Marching Band
Ran cross country all three years
Serious work experience installing security equipment(cameras, recorders, etc) aboard cruise ships with installation company
National Honors Society
Black belt(Shudokan-Karate-Do)</p>
<p>Basically, thats it.
I am looking at the Naval Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, and the Webb Institute
as my top choices.
( I got in to the Naval Academy Summer Seminar as well, if that helps gauge my chances at the Naval Academy, which is the school I am most interested in)</p>
<p>Thanks for any response, good or bad! :)</p>