<p>Metdeath, 90+% white isn't shocking in middle-class suburbs in Greater Boston, Greater New York, etc. When the town was built and inhabited by WASPs for three hundred years, it takes a while for minorities to filter in.</p>
<p>I go to a technology magnet school in the middle of the ghetto - #21 according to newsweek. They use us to balance the school racially and to raise the grade of the school (A+F = C)</p>
<p>Type: Regular school
Status: Operational
Locale: Mid-size city</p>
<p>my school is 70% black, but after this year its going to be even more % black (more white people leave every year), when i was a freshmen the school was 50/50</p>
<p>at least 50% of the school is econ disadvantaged</p>
<p>48% white
23% Hispanic
21% Black
5% Asian
3% Multiracial</p>
<p>Here come the sad statistics : Graduating Students go to
Four Year College (In State Florida) 43%
Four Year College (Out of State) 8%
Two Year College 39%
Technical School 6%
Work Force 2%
Military 2%</p>
<p>Students: A little under 1000
That website is off for my school, but we just published the school report so I know what it is...
White: 98.5%
African American: 1%
Everything else: .5%</p>
<p>Oh small town NH. How diverse we are. I can count on two hands the number of kids who aren't completely white in the entire school.</p>