what are the requirements

how do you get a gates millennium scholarship

This scholarship is not going to be offered to the class of 2017.

The awards were already given out for the class of 2016.


what about class of 2018

I do not see any information yet, but I was told there is to be a program for 2018 grads.

The scholarship is now open!

The Gates scholarship is updated and accepting applications from now thru Sept 15. Yes, only thru Sept 15!! If you two know of any minority, financially strapped kid who will graduate in 2018, get them this info. The initial application is really a screening one. No essays for the first round, and you can skip ahead thru the questions and go back to answer them later. It will be worth the time to think thru the answers before submitting (i.e. which clubs you had a leadership role in). Many will apply, so this isn’t a blow off application.

Some will move to semi-final round (essays) and then final (in person interviews).

Only 300 winners, but it is a fantastic deal - they pay for everything including travel and personal expenses as mentioned in the cost of attendance for the chosen college. It is VERY competitive. My Foster Son (2015)'s class had 57,000 applicants, 2,000 finalists but only 1,000 winners, he was one of the winners.

If you know of a kid, even if you aren’t sure of their financial situation, or even if you don’t know them super well, just slide this over to them. Same as if you know someone’s guidance counsellor send this to them. Help someone get a chance at this “game” of paying for college.


The Gates Scholarship is a highly selective, full scholarship for exceptional, Pell-eligible, minority, high school seniors. Starting in 2018, the scholarship will be awarded to 300 top student leaders each year, with the intent of promoting their academic excellence through college graduation, and providing them the opportunity to reach their full potential." Keep in mind you must be a Pell grant minority student to apply. If you receive free or reduced price lunch, you are likely eligible.

Typically to be Pell grant eligible you need to have a family income in the neighborhood of <$45,000 a year, but if you are close, walk thru the application, do the screening tests and see. Good luck!

If the Gates foundation follows their previous methods, there will be essays to write, these were the old topics:

Gates Essay topics (2015)

Essay 1
Discuss the subjects in which you excel or have excelled. To what factors do you attribute your success?

Essay 2
Discuss the subjects in which you have had difficulty. What factors do you believe contributed to your difficulties? How have you dealt with them so they will not cause problems for you again? In what areas have you experienced the greatest improvement? What problem areas remain?

Essay 3
Briefly describe a situation in which you felt that you or others were treated unfairly or were not given an opportunity you felt you deserved. Why do you think this happened? How did you respond? Did the situation improve as a result of your response?

Essay 4
Discuss your short and long-term goals. Are some of them related? Which are priorities?

Essay 5
Discuss a leadership experience you have had in any area of your life: school, work, athletics, family, church, community, etc. How and why did you become a leader in this area? How did this experience influence your goals?

Essay 6
Discuss your involvement in and contributions to a community near your home, school or elsewhere. Please select an experience different from the one you discussed in the previous question, even if this experience also involved leadership. What did you accomplish? How did this experience influence your goals?

Essay 7
Other than through classes in school, in what areas (non-academic or academic) have you acquired knowledge or skills? How?

Essay 8
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about that may help us evaluate your nomination (i.e., personal characteristics, obstacles you have overcome)?

There will also be essays for the person who is recommending you to write assuming they make it similar to the old way.

Thank you so much!! any tips before i submit my phase one application

Make sure you complete everything on time. Make sure you follow up with getting whatever paperwork (i.e. transcipt, SAT scores) sent from your school on time. A big part of scholarships is being a good project manager. Set up reminders to follow up (politely!) on your phone or whatever system works for you (I’m old, I use MS Outlook :slight_smile: )

Think about the next phase - what do you have that is unique about you? What people know you well (and aren’t related to you) that you can mine to write a good letter of recommendation? Think ahead. Hopefully you’ll need it!

Look also at Horatio Alger, Jack Kent Cooke and the Elks applications for scholarships. It is work, no doubt about it! It is highly competitive. Our thought was the figure how much you earn per hour at your job (say $10 an hour) and figure how many hours you spend working on scholarship applications. Say in a study hall, you dedicate 1 hour a day. The time you spend, even if you win only $1,000 - is usually a nice turn around if you divide that per hour you worked.

Look at the Gates questions above, and try to answer them. Make it interesting (TRUTHFUL but interesting). Make sure the entire series of essays tell a full picture story about who you are. Edit. Have a trusted person who is a good writer review and edit for you. LISTEN to what they say!!

That’s all I can think of for now. Good luck!

A am a mother of twins and triplets we need help nobody is willing to assist us where do I start to help the triplets they are currently in matrix please anyone out there help

@“Triplets Pret South africa”

Student must be a U.S. Citizen or U.S. permanent resident who is eligible for a federal Pell grant.
