What are your college pet peeves?

<p>LOL Son is annoyed the campus dining halls don’t open on weekends until 10:30. Guess he’s a relatively early riser. :D</p>

<p>Clickity-clacking of loud keyboards in the quite study area…</p>

<p>-people not holding doors open
-people not saying bless you when i sneeze. i go to a jesuit school cmon now! bahahaa
-food not being made quickly enough. it took half an hour for GRILLED CHEESE last week.
-only have one person work starbucks at 8:45am
-people in class who ask the dumbest questions and keep doing it. the professor tries to ignore them but he cant
-people suck</p>


<p>"yet makes the same grade as me, because she insists I help her. Like, she insists so much that it feels like if I don’t she is going to like injure me! "</p>

<p>that’s your own fault bro. It’s like giving crack to a crackhead and then getting mad cos he keeps hitting you up for more crack and ****es on your lawn when you don’t.</p>

<p>I have an elegant reply to the titular question: ‘college’. :D</p>

<p>Showers that turn scorching hot when anyone flushes a toilet in any bathroom on the floor.
Showers with temperature control handles that physically (wt f) drop to scorching hot temperatures when anyone flushes a toilet in any bathroom on the floor.
God *<strong><em>ing *</em></strong>it **** ***** **** ****er the only 2 showers that work in the guys bathroom are one or the other</p>

<p>I’m annoyed by the opposite problem at my school. Breakfast starts and ends early- by 10:30, it’s already considered lunch time. And dinner ends at 7. For a night owl like me, this is somewhat annoying.</p>

<p>My daughter’s room mate telling her she was bipolar a month after school started and also not telling her she was a big drinker. Drining was discussed before they choose room mates.</p>

<p>I am annoyed by those cheap “college” Ray-Ban Wayfarer-esque sunglasses.</p>

<p>College students having loud sex</p>

<p>Loud people are the worst.
People who walk really slow in narrow hallways so you can’t get around them
People that don’t pay attention then do nothing but ask questions with obvious answers</p>

<p>Paying $3 for a slice of pizza (w t f)</p>

<p>The cheap college sunglasses are awesome haha, I thought it was just my school.</p>

<p>Are those the ones with bright, neon-colored arms? lol I think they look dopey.</p>

<p>–Campus area roadwork
–Professors who use class time to make political speeches (my physics professor does this from time to time)
–Labs where not everybody is on the same page, so to speak
–Labs where the equipment doesn’t work properly or at all
–When the door to the class room is in the <em>front</em> of the room rather than the rear, so I get to make it clear to the whole class that I have to get up and go to the bathroom five times (even though it’s just to blow pounds of snot out of my nose, but they don’t know that!)
–When a textbook or lecture doesn’t make mention of something crucial to the understanding of the material
–Not enough sessions of an important class because so few people are STEM majors, so you get to choose between taking it Winter Quarter or Summer Quarter, or if you’re really lucky there are two sessions in a quarter and you get to choose between butt-crack-of-dawn-early or later at night.</p>

<p>In one of my classrooms we have a door at the front and a door at the back, and the professor always starts the attendance sign in sheet in the back to encourage latecomers to sit in the front, but that means when you walk into class late you can’t do it discretely because you have to walk right across the front of the room. I have a back-to-back class and though we are supposed to start class ten minutes after the hour to accommodate for students doing that, this professor doesn’t adhere to that so I am almost always ten minutes late. >.<</p>

<p>I don’t really have many complaints. Just a few - we have a no smoking rule where you can’t smoke if you’re within 50 feet of a residential building. This same guy sits RIGHT outside the door of my dorm and smokes every day…it’s irritating.</p>

<p>Probably the only other thing I can think of are the trains, which are really freaking loud. They don’t actually stop - they just blow their whistle for five minutes straight so that everyone gets off the tracks. At 2 in the morning. And 3. And 4. Also, at 7 A.M. on mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the dumpsters - which happen to be right below my window - are picked up, shaken, and dropped on the ground when the garbagemen come. Really? REALLY?!?</p>

<p>But to be honest, I love college. I really don’t have many complaints other than these - and the fact that the dining halls don’t always label their allergy foods. I fortunately don’t have a severe nut allergy, but it isn’t pleasant to spend all night before a midterm throwing up because the student worker forgot to put up the sign stating that the “celiac friendly” chicken casserole had almond flour in it. Oh well - lesson learned.</p>

<p>^I hear you on that, I have a dairy allergy and react similarly. We have a filter we can use to remove all the foods from our menu that we’re allergic to, but it is not very reliable and if I make a mistake I am sick like that for days.</p>

<p>The dumpsters! How could I forget?!</p>

<p>Even though I am on the third floor, I am very close to the dumpsters.</p>

<p>Every other morning at about 6 (sometimes 5!) I hear the truck lifting up those damn dumpsters. Goodness! It interrupts my sleep!!!</p>

<p>Morning classes</p>