What are your grades? For Highschoolers

<p>I just want to see what I'm up against:
GPA :4.1679
Honors English: B+
Honors Spanish, 3rd Year: A-
Honors Chem: B-
Honors Algebra 3/4: A</p>

<p>PSAT(Haven't taken SAT yet)
Critical Reading 620
Mathmatics 650
Writing 560</p>

<p>Swimming, Letters Varisty 2 years</p>

<p>lets see,</p>

<p>sophmore year</p>

<p>French 1 B (only took it because there were no other class options <.< I'm never taking french again)
Calculus B
APES B</p>


<p>CR - 730
M - 660
W - 630</p>

Weighted GPA: 97.75/100
SAT: 800M, 800CR, 710W
NMSQT: 223 (crossing my fingers for semifinalist)</p>

<p>This year:
H Spanish 4: A
AP Physics B: A
Ceramics 1: A
AP Lang: B, but not for long
AP Calc BC: B, but not for long</p>

<p>Don't play sports though. I have a job on and off when I feel comfortable with my schoolwork.</p>

AP comp sci= A
AP Calc AB = B-
AP Eng Lit = B+
AP Chemistry 1= A-
AP MicroEconomic= A-
AP Spanish IV= A-
Adv. PE WT= A-
GPA = 3.7 UW, 4.538 W
Rank= 24/973
PSAT = 72 CR, 80 M, and 56 W= 207 overall
SAT = will get better in may = 690 CR, 680 M, and 590 W= 1960 overall
ECs = Eagle Scout, Philosophy Club Pres,Spanish Honor Society, 4-year staff member (2-year senior staff) of National Youth Leadership Training for my Boy Scout Council (all volunteer), 3-year staff member of Ransburg Scout Reservation (which might as well be volunteering the way they pay us,) Red Cross Lifeguard, Waterfront Lifeguard, CPR for adults and children for the Pro-Rescuer, AED for adults and children, Oxygen administration, Pass out clothes and stuff to homeless with St. Vincent's DePaul, am going on a mission trip to Mexico this summer, 2-year(so-far) varsity soccer starter, and captain of soccer team next year, along with other NHS and other stupid stuff. I'm talking to a few D-3 and Ivy coaches that I hope will be able to get me in.</p>

<p>Gpa = 4.9</p>

<p>PSAT = 222 [78 cr 69 M 75 Wr]</p>

Weighted GPA: 5.0/4.0 (Only one class has ended... and that was a summer course)
Semester grades
(My classes meet every other day, so only 1 has ended during this year)
Honors World History-A
Honors English I-A
Honors Engineering- A
Honors Apps of science-A
AP Art History-B
Algebra II-? Probably B</p>

<p>GPA: Probably about a 3.8 this year, 3.65 total.</p>

<p>PSAT: 202 (75 CR, 60 M, 67 W).</p>

<p>Weighted 4.243 rank= top 1% of class
Un weighted 4.000
Ap Calc bC A
Apush A
Ap lang A
Ap psych A
Ap Physics A
PSAT M=80 Cr =75 Wr=68 tot 223
SAT 2130 ???? i messed up, i am retaking this sat. i dunno why but i was pretty good at psat but i just suck at SAT.
I did no prep for Psat but did do prep for SAT and still did worse.
I have some decent ec's</p>

<p>GPA:Realistically a 3.84 for this year; if I get all the the grades i want a 3.9
total gpa:3.72(somewhere around there depending on this yr)
sat-2180(retaking on sat.)</p>

<p>sophmore year:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
Global History 10- A+
Band/Choir- A+
Math B- A
Latin 3- A+
Honors English- A+
Chemistry- A+</p>

<p>EC's- decent with a focus on law/government</p>

I just want to see what I'm up against


<p>bad place to ask</p>

<p>gpa uw 4.12
english (not tracked): A
history (not tracked) A
honors math: a+
honors bio: a+
honors spanish 2: a+</p>

Precalc Honors: A-
Physics: A+
Wind Ensemble: A+
English Lang. and Comp.: D+ (heh it'll go up I'm sure)
AP Stats: A+</p>

30E, 34M, 29R, 27S: 30 Composite (that needs to go up too though)</p>

<p>GPA: UW: 4.0
W : 4.77</p>


<p>ap calc bc - A
h. physics - A
h. world hist. - A
choir 5-6 - A
h. spanish 5-6 - A
h. chemistry - A
h. soph. english - A</p>

<p>PSAT: 234</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: ~104.190 (ranked 2nd)
SAT: CR650/M780/W710</p>

<p>AP Calc BC - 99
AP US Gov - 97
American Sign Language 3 - 99
Japanese 2 - 100
Band - 100
AP Biology - 90
Phys Ed - PASS(96)
AP English Lit - 95
AP Spanish - 99</p>

<p>Steady "nerd" clubs and activities that I absolutely love.</p>

<p>Wow. I actually pulled up my unweighted GPA with my last semester of HS. But I don't really count because I'm going to college next fall. Good luck to the rest of you though!</p>

<p>Straight As..10 APs during high school...</p>


I just want to see what I'm up against
bad place to ask


<p>OP, prepare to have your soul crushed.</p>


<p>Algebra 2 Honors: A
Science Research Honors: A+
US History I/Civics: A (hopefully an A+ by the end of the year)
Chemistry Honors: A-
Spanish Honors: A
English Honors: A- (hopefully an A by the end of the year)</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.9~ish</p>

<p>PSAT: 220 (W80,M72,CR68)</p>

<p>Main Extracurriculars:
Lot of independent research (awards at sci fairs, have published papers, worked with professors from big universities)
Music (versatile guitarist, i compete a lot, play in orchestras, play a rare instrument, write my own music, produce, etc.)
Ultimate Frisbee (captain of team)</p>

Most recent: 4/4.7~
HNRSPRECALC/CALC1/CALC2 (to take AP exam but not for gpa boost :( )
ChristianEthics/GospelInAction (required course)</p>

<p>Psat - 220 :/
Sat - ?</p>

<p>last year</p>

<p>ap calc ab: A/A (5)
ap physics c: A/A (4 on mech and 5 on E&M)
ap comp sci a: A/A (5)
english: A/A
history: A/A
japanese 3: A/A</p>

<p>SAT: 2120
v: 740
m: 750 (2 stupid mistakes is -50... pssh...)
w: 630 (lol)</p>

<p>sat physics: 790
sat math 2c: 790</p>

<p>loles, I actually put a bit of effort last year. I'm a senior now, and I'm messing up pretty badly. I got 2 As and 3 Bs first semester, and I'm getting a D in english this semester (but I can easily bring it back up). I'm not the typical hardcore CC nerd who studies multiple hours a day; I do actually like to do stuff other than math problems and essays.</p>