What are your guys' viewpoints on the following issues?

<p>Needs to be fixed.
Needs to be fixed.
Don't abuse that.

<li><p>Human Trafficking
Something needs to be done to stop this.</p></li>
<li><p>Child Abuse
This is a horrible, horrible thing that needs to be prevented and stopped.</p></li>
Abortion is tricky. I don't generally agree with it, as I do view it as murder, but I think it should be allowed in certain situations, like if there's a really good chance the mother would die or in the case of rape.</p></li>
<li><p>Capital Punishment
Death isn't really a punishment. I think that having to sit through years of jail would be harsher and get the point across more. The person will have to live with the guilt or (if they're really sick and aren't feeling guilty) will have to live in whatever prison they're in for the rest of their lives. Death is more like an escape, in this case.</p></li>

<li><p>Human Trafficking
A very serious problem that isn't talked about near enough. </p></li>
<li><p>Child Abuse
Terrible, obviously. Any abuse it bad.</p></li>
Should absolutely be legal. I can't comprehend why anyone would prioritize the life of something that isn't even born yet over the life of someone who is living their lives. For the embryo/fetus/baby's own sake as well, I think it ought to be allowed - much better for the kid never to have been born than to be born to someone who doens't want it, and therefore might not care for it properly. People are going to have abortions no matter what, so its safer for it to be legal so it can be done in sanitary conditions by doctors who know what they're doing. I find it scary that some people don't think a woman has a right to decide over her own body and her own life - especially men, who can never understand what it is like to be pregnant or to need an abortion. </p></li>
<li><p>Capital Punishment
Studies have shown that it doesnt deter others from commiting crimes, and its expensive, so why have it? Anyway, if we go killing criminals we're really no better than them. I also agree with what thelittlemermaid said!</p></li>


<li><p>Human Trafficking
terrible, i dont know why anyone would have a different opinion...?</p></li>
<li><p>Child Abuse
I know someone who aborted their baby and a girl who kept hers. Im dont have a very strong opinion of the subject but I'm leaning towards pro choice, though I dont think the right should be abused.</p></li>
<li><p>Capital Punishment
it sucks for the people who turn out to be innocent. I say jail for life</p></li>

<li><p>Human Trafficking
I think those who want to legalize voluntary prostitution have some valid arguments, but human trafficking is just immoral. Especially the child sex trade. Yuck.</p></li>
<li><p>Child Abuse
It's bad? Heh, I think most people would agree with that. And yeah, it's awful to think that children would have to be subjected to something like that.</p></li>
Eh, the touchy subject again. Personally I don't know if I would get an abortion until I have to deal with that kind of situation, but I am pro-choice because I think abortion is a personal issue and you don't really have the right to push your morals on other people.</p></li>
<li><p>Capital Punishment
I think it's used way too frequently in the US...my opinion is that it shouldn't be used at all, but even if we kept it, I still think our usage is too extensive.</p></li>

<li><p>Human Trafficking
This problem is too overlooked.</p></li>
<li><p>Child Abuse
Of course I'm against it.</p></li>
I'm very fond of this right. There is no accepted scientific statement on when life begins in the embryo, so I personally don't view it as murder. At the same time, it dramatically lowers the number of women obtaining illegal abortions; Roe v. Wade was passed during years with an increasing number of women entering hospitals with foreign bodies in their vaginas, dangerous fevers, excessive bleeding to unsuccesful illegal abortions. While I accept that there are many people who object to abortion on moral grounds, I don't believe that prohibiting abortion is plausible, unless the conditions that cause abortion are changed (so...improve sex education, eliminate abstinence-only education, easier access to contraceptives and EC, make open adoption a truly open process, improve services to struggling families with children).</p></li>
<li><p>Capital Punishment
Just a messy, drawn-out, flawed process. I know that many people support it as to not spend tax money on jailing criminals for life, but the length of time accused criminals spend on high-security death row and the long drawn-out trials aren't really a better option in that sense. And there's still too much racism in that system.</p></li>

<li>Human Trafficking</li>

<p>I don't know what kind of position you can take on this, other than that it's a growing problem that clearly must be addressed. </p>

<li>Child Abuse</li>

<p>Same. I am not part of the school that says that, as long as you don't leave bruises, corporal punishment is OK; I think that any kind of corporal punishment should be illegal, just as it is illegal for wardens to hit their prisoners or husbands to hit their wives. It doesn't matter whether or not it works, it is cruel and unusual to hit another human being and should be treated as such.</p>

<li>Abortion </li>

<p>I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I think we should also focus on sex education, especially for minors (NOT abstinence education!).</p>

<li>Capital Punishment </li>

<p>An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Who are we to play "god" and decide who should live or die? If we kill murderers we are stooping to their level.</p>

<li>Human Trafficking</li>

<p>Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. The American gov't, along with the cooperation of other nations, needs to start addressing this issue more seriously and with more force. There is nothing to justify buying and selling human beings; our country did away with slavery within the U.S. long ago, so why should international slave trade be allowed?</p>

<li>Child Abuse</li>

<p>Unfortunately, you can't always know when a child is being abused. A lot of the time, children are afraid to come forward about it, so I think more should be done to try and reach out to children who are suspected to be in an abusive home. I don't know how this can be achieved, though.</p>


<p>I think abortion should be legal, but regulated so that it is not abused. A safe alternative must be offered to women who simply can't handle pregnancy and motherhood, or else they're going to get abortions in unsafe conditions. Also, there should be a cut-off date for getting an abortion, not because I believe abortion is "murder" (I think it's a ridiculous notion that has no scientific basis), but simply because an early abortion reduces the risk of complications.</p>

<p>Here's the way I see it: Many male U.S. Senators are against abortion, but 100% of them will never become pregnant. Men and women see this issue very differently; as a female, I resent a male who claims to know what is "right" for my body.</p>

<li>Capital Punishment</li>

<p>A nation that executes its own citizens just seems wrong to me. Capital punishment obviously is not working as a way to deter crime, and frankly, many convicts welcome it as an "easy way out." I'd rather a criminal rot in prison and be mentally tormented by guilt. I understand the pro-capital punishment arguments, but I still can't agree with it. I'm an advocate of justice, not ruthless revenge that often takes the lives of innocent people.</p>

<p>Abortion - </p>

<p>Although I'm Catholic, I feel that abortion should -only- be allowed in certain cases, like rape and if the pregnancy is life-threatening. Other than that, I don't feel abortion should be abused as a form of birth control.</p>

<p>I agree with you on the topic of abortion, Debbie/southeast/gg/WeAreHereAndNow. I find it sad how teenagers are also cut off from the resources that can prevent further complications, such as the "day after pill". Many teens are afraid to go to their parents if something goes wrong, so they choose an alternate route that can lead to even more complications in the end.</p>

<p>Human Trafficing: It has to stop
Child Abuse: This has to stop. its horrible. i don't understand how a parent can say they love their child, then turn around and abuse them.
Abortion: Completly against it, unless the pregnency was caused by rape or some other extreme circumstance
Capital Punishment: In short I'm against it</p>

<p>Human Traffiking:
Needs to stop.
Child Abuse:
Absolutely needs to stop.
Should be completely legal in all cases. No woman should ever be forced to have a child when they don't to, and no baby should be forced to be born if they will not be wanted or loved. The argument that people will abuse it as a form of birth control is, in my opinion, ridiculous. NO woman says "I don't care if I'm not having safe sex, I'll just get an abortion if I get pregnant!" It is a mistake, and the decision to have an abortion is HUGE. But it should absolutely be made available to everyone.
Capital Punishment:
I'm completely against it. Someone should not be put to death just because they did something terrible. No one deserves to die, not even if they killed someone else. Plus, there are worse punishments than death.</p>

<p>what about putting the kid for adoption, like in JUNO?</p>

<p>I think adoption is a great option. I just think that people shouldn't be forced to actually HAVE a child. As in, go through the pregnancy process. And adoption is an extremely difficult process. It is GREAT when a child gets adopted, but once you actually have a child it is hard to agree to putting them up for adoption, because you immediately feel that parent-child connection, that might not actually hold until the child's future, which is what results in many kids not having a loving family.</p>

<p>Well, first of all, Juno is a movie, and not a very realistic one at that.</p>

<p>Second of all, many women, young and old, can't or don't want to go through a pregnancy because of life circumstances.</p>

<p>There are billboards all over my city about how terrible it is to abort a Down Syndrome baby. Here's the reality of it: if you give birth to the child and you don't have the resources to care for it (it requires a lot) you either have to give it up for adoption, where it will 99.9% never get adopted end up living in a group home, or care for it yourself with poor resources. Either way it'll end up being pretty miserable.</p>

<p>Human Trafficking:
Needs to stop.</p>

<p>Child Abuse:
Obviously horrible, needs to stop.</p>

Personal choice. Personally, I can make a reasoned and robust argument as to why a fetus is not alive until late in pregnancy, and a lot of you will have a lot of trouble arguing it, but that is not the crux of my reasoning - the crux of my reasoning is that the mother's liberty is sancrosanct, and given the debate on the issue no one has any right to force their opinion on to her. That and the fact that allowing abortion is simply good policy - if you ban it, abortions will still happen, but the poorer people who need them most will not get them, or will get them in dangerous ways (back-alley and all that) while the rich will still have easy access. No thanks.</p>

<p>Capital Punishment:
Against, except in cases where the criminal is so dangerous that they cannot be kept safely in prison. I don't think there's ever been a case like that; if there have, they've been very rare. I'm against it in most cases because a) legal punishment is not about revenge, it's about rehabilitation and protecting society, b) the death penalty is very expensive, c) the death penalty executes innocent people, and that is unacceptable.</p>

NO woman says "I don't care if I'm not having safe sex, I'll just get an abortion if I get pregnant!"


you must not know many modern-day women...</p>

<p>as far as Juno goes, I know someone who thinks it's a right-wing conspiracy to take away a woman's right to choose... (haha, silly liberal)</p>

<p>arachnophobia- I just mean, I think it is very rare that someone thinks "Doesn't matter what I do, if I get pregnant I don't care, I'll just get an abortion". I think it's mostly more like "Oh, oops, I just made a HUGE mistake and got pregnant when I really didn't want to. I'll get an abortion". I just think it's used as 'birth control' more as something that happens after the fact, not something that's planned. Just my thoughts though, I could obviously be very wrong.</p>

<p>Abortion: I was indifferent about this until I took ethics and philosophy and actually thought about it and examined rational arguments for and against it. Some of the arguments I found most compelling:
-A fetus is a potential life, and a thousand million potential lives are still worth less than an actual life. For example, if there was a way to create a thousand lives by killing yourself, you would by no means be obligated to kill yourself to create those lives. Also, an acorn is not an oak tree, they are simply not the same thing, and saying that abortion is murder is like saying that eating an acorn is like chopping down an oak tree.
-A major claim against abortion is the proof that because it is wrong to kill innocent human beings, and a fetus is a human being, it is wrong to kill a fetus. The error in this proof is that two different definitions of human are being used. The fetus is human in that it is genetically a member of the human race. However, It is not a member of the human community, it is not a person, it is not conscious, it does not reason, it cannot communicate, it is not self-aware, etc.<br>
-Look up Judith Jarvis Thomson and Mary Anne Warren for more coherent reasoning.</p>