What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

Hmmm. Somehow our AirTag quit functioning on our Lufthansa flight last month. It did work on an Air Canada flight, after we reprogrammed it.

What? I wonder why…

Perhaps because it would be difficult to turn off or put in airplane mode a wireless (Bluetooth) device in a checked bag if necessary (e.g. when required for take-off and landing)?


Not sure. Too many AirTags in cargo hold that emit bluetooth signals?


If they don’t know where your bags are, they don’t want you to know either :rofl:


One article I saw referenced a passenger who was monitoring his luggage that contained the AirTag. As the Lufthansa plane was getting ready to take off he noticed that his luggage was not on board. He insisted on having his luggage on board or getting off himself. Lufthansa cites safety reasons. Unclear whether it is really safety issues or passengers tracking their luggage to make sure it makes it on the plane……

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Maybe because anyone could put it in someone’s luggage in order to track them? A DV victim wants to escape an aggressor?

Not sure anyone is in or near the area and looking for leaf peeping, but Rt 15 between Williamsport and Mansfield ( PA ) has long stretches that are stunning right now, esp on a sunny day - there’s quite a mix of colors including a bit of red. There were several cars pulled over (independently) taking pictures along one of the mountain stretches. If I recall correctly, it was just south of the Blossburg exit.

There’s a smaller stretch in NY that was super pretty as well, but most still seems before peak along the rest of the journey (to Rochester from southern PA).

We didn’t stop for a pic, but H snapped this one from our window:


Is this on the wrong thread?

? Is this thread only for international travel? I know leaf peeping is common in the northeast and thought some might want to know since dates/places vary so quickly. Perhaps I’m wrong?


Peak color away from Lake Michigan but a few more weeks until peak right at the lake.

Lots of tourists looking at the colors here


Now that monkeypox has faded into the background a bit we have Ebola back in the news……


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On our recent trip to Iceland, at the airport we saw more mask wearers than we’ve seen in a very long time. Maybe 25-30% of travelers. We’ve been traveling internationally all year and the difference between now and the beginning of the year is huge. I did not miss the crowds.


DH and I have returned from our first international trip and I’m happy to say we did not get sick during the 3 week vacation even though we were in very dense crowds at times.

DH got the bivalent vaccine and flu shot prior to the trip. I got only the flu shot…having tested positive for Covid after our DD’s graduation in June. (Mild…quarantined in our bedroom/bathroom for 5 days, then wore a mask in our house for 5 days and made sure I tested negative before removing the mask in our house. DH never tested positive.)

We were in London (attended Laver Cup tennis at the O2 arena via the London Underground), Paris and Nice. We saw very few masks and went maskless most of the time. It was a huge change of behavior for us, as we have avoided many activities due to our caregiving responsibilities for our over 85 yr old moms. Feeling comfortable with our vaccination status (5 and 4 Covid shots, respectively, plus flu shots), we had masks with us if asked to wear them (we weren’t) and took the viewpoint that if either of us felt ill, we would quarantine, test and accept the cost of having to change our plans to protect others. Fortunately, it never came to that.

The trip was good for the soul. It was not only a re-entry to normalcy, it was like coming out of a state of deprivation and having a greater appreciation for everything.

We met and conversed with many fellow travelers (we took a few food tours, a couple of walking tours, and ate out a lot) and the connections formed in even such short interactions was something we really enjoyed.

Lastly, I just wanted to add two observations. First, now that we are empty-nesters, we seemed to have crossed a threshold. Where we used to feel like “young-ish” travelers, we are now in “group B” as my DH calls it. Oh well, we still move pretty well. Lol. Second, we were surprised at the number of younger women, traveling alone. For instance, DH would observe that he might be one of two men in a group of 10. Some women were with a friend or sister, but there always seemed to be a couple of women who said they were (happily) traveling alone. It was nice. :slight_smile:


We’ve been home for 2.5 weeks after spending 2 weeks in Scotland. Masked up in air terminals and on planes. Except for the Scottish crown jewels exhibit where we were asked to wear masks, we really didn’t mask up indoors (we were with a tour group, so we ate many meals with similarly vaccinated people). Did NOT come down with COVID after getting home–yay!!!


I’m not sure if my husband and I caught anything but my husband was sitting next to one woman who was coughing hard and repeatedly, I told my husband to put on his mask, he’s back home with no problem now.
We’re now self isolated for a week before I go to the senior center. More older people there and I don’t want to give them anything. We did this even before COVID.


Travel-related prices are definitely stabilizing… I see more “offers” from hotels in my inbox, there are more open tables everywhere, and the car rental in Hawaii I booked a while ago went down from $550 a week to $380. Now it makes more sense to rent a car than to Lyft everywhere.


Good to know that rental cars are coming down. I just read somebody paid $3200 for 10 days in UK this May from Heathrow airport. Last year we paid £250 for 10 days from Heathrow. But this year we won’t get a car there. We will take the train to our location and get our rental car there. Less tiring for my husband. Plus it’s going to be £110 for 10 days. What’s not to like.

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We’ve yet to see open tables at restaurants. We treated our son to a breakfast out this past Monday at 9:45am (on a Monday!) and had to wait along with several others for an open table. It’s not a small restaurant either, and there were still folks waiting when we left.

When we’ve driven past restaurants around us parking lots are still quite full. Places we’ve gone have been quite full, both here at home and where our son lives. We wanted to get reservations at an expensive place near him to celebrate his engagement, but none were available for a party of 4.

If there’s a recession, one can’t tell it around us or him yet. We’ve never had to wait at that breakfast spot before, never in 10 years of going there, and we were able to get next day reservations at the expensive place to celebrate his birthday in the past.

I do hope rental car places are going down though. We’ll need one for 5-6 weeks in Puerto Rico. My “green” guy just has a scooter. I’ve no desire to see if he can transport 6 of us on it!