What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

I can assure you that the airlines will have lots of protocols once people start flying in even half-significant numbers again.

This new airbnb policy is interesting. It’s mandating a vacancy period between guests.


Airbnb seems to have been a lot more proactive since the start of this than VRBO. I may look at them next time I’m booking a family trip.

If I remember that far into the future ?

Just checked UA and they said all valid e-certificates are good for 24 months from date of issue. I have a bunch that were issued 11/2019, so glad they’re all valid to 11/2021.

Also per United website, your premier status extends to 1/31/2022.

We have United flights booked for a wedding in Denver in August. We are just waiting to see what happens. If the planes are flying, the hotels are open, and the wedding is happening, we will go. While in the airports and flying, we will have masks, and will have wipes to clean things (if we don’t run out…plus hoping the availability of these improves).

It’s not in the best interest of a hotel or airline to becomes the hotspot for an outbreak. We figure they will be vigilant as they can be on their end.

We haven’t rented a car yet…it’s move in weekend at the colleges there…wondering if that will happen?

I have a girls trip planned to Europe this November. So far I have our frequent flier tickets, which I got at a great reduced mileage rate, and our first rental booked. We are still going and I will not cancel unless there is a new outbreak in the Fall. We may change our itinerary a bit to stay in the countryside instead of urban centers. Our main issue is that one of our group is furloughed and might have to use up most of her vacation time to get some pay during her furlough.

I will probably start traveling to other places also. I hate crowds and might take advantage of much smaller crowds to go to some places. But I will need to research and stock up on everything that will make for safer travel.

Interesting article quoting Southwest CEO Gary Kelly about flights:

What do you mean by “new outbreak?” It’s continuous until we get a vaccine. It hasn’t stopped.

We were supposed to go camping Memorial Day weekend, but the MD Dept of Natural Resources called today to cancel that! All fees to be refunded in full.

Exposure point there would have been the bath houses, as we don’t have a trailer with facilities. The sites are large and pleasant enough that we could sit there or hike trails without risk.

Hoping our Labor Day reservation will hold. If the state park opens during the summer, that may be our vacation this year. There are worse things than sitting in the forest reading books!

The USVI is reopening to tourists on June 1 (that’s the plan for now) so my rescheduled trip for later in July is on. I’m comfortable with going there. We’ve been many times, know our routine and with precautions in the airports, I think we’ll be fine.

A guy in my husband’s office building is planning to go to Greece – on June 2nd !! Brave dude. He’s no spring chicken either - easily in his early 70s.

She/he probably is referring to the new wave… which will hit. Question is when and how hard. If it coincides with a bad flu year, it will be ugly again in hospitals, and we could all find ourselves in SIP again.

@katliamom For vacation or visiting family? the reason I am asking is b/c most of the hotels and resorts in Athens and the islands (Santorini, Crete, etc.) are closed. I was just on the phone with them, they said government ordered that hotels are closed and won’t be open until July 1 the earliest. I cancelled mine, they tried to push for rebook but so hard to know when we can go again.

Well, this guy has a house on Ithaca, so he’s hoping he’ll be fine as long as he can fly into Athens and get to Ithaca. Greece is eager to restart its tourism sector… Hotels that are usually open year round can reopen June 1st, and everyone else in July. (Sources below)




The resort in Santorini told me they are closed until July 1. Our trip is from June 27 to July 7. That’s why they contacted me and I got on the phone with them. I don’t know if they are all year round or not. It’s a gorgeous resort.

The Hilton hotel in Athens, said that they aren’t sure, lol I had to laugh. The news seem to know more than the people who actually work there. I cancelled everything anyway.

So far we’ve kicked the travel can down the road. Our May trip to visit my mom moved to October. June international trip through a tour operator moved to same time in 2021.

Still on the calendar is a September trip to Yellowstone & Montana (involves flights and a resort stay). We have several weddings in driving (but overnight) distance summer and beyond. We’ll play those by ear.

I do worry about airlines, tour operators, etc. going out of business, so accepting vouchers is a risk. Our flights for the two trips we’re not doing still show that they’re happening so a voucher was the only option we could get. We’re friends with the international tour company’s owners and are optimistic that their business model will survive this.

I just saw that the Jenny Lake Lodge and the Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton N P will be closed this year. The issue was the dorms where the summer help stay. The lodge management didn’t see how under those close conditions the employees could be kept distanced from one another.

April trip to visit family…postponed. Graduation was cancelled in May, We had one wedding postponed in June. In August, we have another. September a drive to vacation. November trip to San Diego.

I just want my far away kid to be able to fly home for Christmas.

We have timeshare points that will expire in July. I guess we will pay for them to be extended.
Sad about Jenny Lake Lodge and Jackson Lake Lodge. I’m glad we made a trip out there last year.
My husband was just telling me last night he saw pictures of the animals in some national park just roaming around the roads. I wonder how things will change once we are making visits again.

This whole thread made me so glad I traveled whenever I could even perhaps in moments when financially it would have been better to stay put. I am so glad I didn’t put off opportunities to see the world. Because I’m not sure those opportunities will come back anytime soon, not until a vaccine is readily available to everyone… and that might be years.