What are your thoughts about travel in the time of Covid?

Which states have enacted 14 day quarantines for visitors? From the other thread I know Maine. From my Yellowstone websites, I know that Montana and Wyoming have. And have any of those states indicated how long the visitor quarantine will last? Florida did (at first) but I haven’t seen any news about it lately since they showed the huge traffic jam on the interstate at the Florida state line.

(Most of the news articles I found on Google are three weeks old).

@TatinG, the required quarantine in Maine will last through August for sure. The governor at some point will decide whether the period should be extended.

@MaineLonghorn - what exactly does the quarantine order mean? Visitors are not allowed into the state? Or if they do enter, they need to quarantine for two weeks? We love making a day trip over to southern maine (one of our favorite summer day trips).

@arisamp, hotels and campgrounds are opening July 1. Visitors may come from out of state at that point, but they have to quarantine in their hotel or tent for two weeks. Day trips are out, legally. Of course, it will be hard to enforce the order, so I’m not sure how it will play out.

I can’t remember if I posted in this thread that Maine had 35 million visitors in 2018. !!! Our population is only 1.3 million. So I know the governor is worried about millions of people flooding the state. If only 1% of the typical number of visitors were infected, that would be significant.

Our reservation at a ME campground was just cancelled this morning. We were supposed to head up 6/13 and they are now reevaluating after 6/15. I asked if we could switch our ressie to start later in June but they are not taking any reservations at this time. Perhaps we’ll be able to grab a spot once they reopen, but they usually fill up the entire summer within hours of opening up reservations in January, so we’ll see.

HI has had a 14 day quarantine for anyone entering the state since late March. All arriving passengers (except airline crew) are to transport themselves directly to their pre-reserved lodging and remain there for 14 days. All arrivals have temp checks at the airport. Arrivals consent to having random checks to be sure they remain home. Violators can be cited and fined and/or sent back to wherever they came from.

Do you have a Plan B?

We made our Utah lodging reservations far in advance, knowing October would book up quickly.

“He (Wyoming Governor)issued a directive urging any residents not from Wyoming to observe a 14-day quarantine upon arriving here to protect the health of locals.”

Wyoming’s quarantine isn’t a mandate, just a request from the Governor. My daughter lives in Cheyenne and says that very few people wear masks and not all businesses are shut.

I think that once Colorado and Wyoming reopen , local tourist and vacation places will be packed. D works at a tourist ranch just over the border and I think they will be very busy all summer because there is no where else to go. They haven’t cancelled Cheyenne Frontier Days yet (mid July). I think a lot of people from Denver and the front range will drive up (about 2 hours), take a trail ride, look at the buffalo, have dinner and come home. Mini vacations will be very popular this summer.

We have friends with a 2nd home near Gunnison, CO. It’s really their main home and they have a condo here in TN. They came back to TN when that part of CO locked down. Now Gunnison County is saying people with 2nd homes can come back but have to quarantine for a week and have to bring their own food so they don’t shop in Gunnison. Not particularly hard hit area, but not great medical facilities.

If they have a driver’s licenses or are registered to vote at their Gunnison home, that’s their primary residence. If not, it is not.

Some of the issues with smaller, vacation towns is that their stores are not stocked for part time residents to be there in the spring. Estes Park was having an issue with people visiting Rocky Mtn national park in March when usually there aren’t many people shopping for groceries at that time. The town asked the department of Interior to shut the park and it did (and then shut the other national parks too).

Yes, I understand residency. They probably have Tennessee residency, but they spend most of the year in Colorado. I’ve been there a lot and also understand the grocery store issues. In this case, the county doesn’t want potentially infected visitors shopping there.

Well, I doubt I will travel at all this year, which is a HUGE decrease compared to our normal 30,000+ miles/yr. My lung doc is being a hermit in SF and is glad I am one in Honolulu. I will look to him for guidance.

I am sadly at high risk of faring poorly if I get C19, and H is as well.

Definitely I have no interest in going on a cruise ship for the foreseeable future.

There are still tens of thousands of crew on boats, unable to dock, some with passengers, some with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.

@Midwest67 we’re looking at different plan Bs now. We have a family vacation home we could visit, though we were going there in August already. We may find another state that has open camping and mountains and go there. Or we may do a section hike on the AT. All depends on what’s open.

I think I read that the AT is closed. I know the PCT is closed. I’m wondering if the JMT will open once the snow melts. I hope so. I have cabin fever bad.

Yes, the AT is mostly closed. Our Plan Bs all depend on what’s open in mid June. I have cabin fever too. I’ve been fine until the past few days. Probably because it’s been rainy and cold where I live.

Good Question.

I had hoped to take a trip to Slovakia in winter, but one of the guys doing crosstraining was on sick leave about 2 months (not coronavirus). Missed the window of opportunity. Too bad, since hubby is retired and was going to tag along and arrange a before or after personal vacation.

Now our concern is for early August family reunion on Cape Cod. The flights reschedulable (and possibly cancellable). The big rental house will give us up to June 6 for free cancellation. We’ll have to make some decisions in a month.

Campgrounds in Maine can’t open until July 1 and out of state visitors are supposed to quarantine for 14 days.

I have my next travel destination, thanks to a student who sent some photos along with an assignment involving description of a place. Now I just need to find my comfort zone to go to there.

I want to see my kids again. I want to see my grandson. My son wants to see his wife. All of that requires travel (me in California, Son & grandson in Washington, Son’s wife in Maryland mid-way through ED medical residency – daughter & son-in-law in NY). So yes… we will travel again when restrictions are lifted.

Before this all started I had a group of friends who kept floating the idea of taking a cruise together. I wasn’t all that enthused, but at this point I will be quite happy I never, ever get on a cruise ship for the rest of my life. And I think I’m going to avoid vacation destinations for events that tend to draw large crowds – that is, there won’t be any Mardi Gras in my future. Probably no to destinations like Vegas in the foreseeable future.

I’m musing about buying a sailboat (that H would LOVE) for future vacations for a bit. Just musing though. I, personally, don’t like sailing. He absolutely loves it. It would allow us to travel, but not need to really interact with anyone though.

With everything opening up (assuming it’s a trend that will continue), I really don’t want to be among regular travelers until this thing is long in the rear view mirror or a good treatment is out there.