<p>On the one hand, our generation is more connected than ever. Access to information, news, and opinions are unprecedented. Before the internet, one would only get information from his or her closest peers, or from printed media. Printed media is great, but it is often biased towards a certain subset of the population, usually individuals who are well off and educated. Additionally, printed media is biased towards language, you are much more likely to read a printed source written in your own language, creating an inherent barrier to the ideas of people from other backgrounds. As a result, one was much less likely to communicate with, or hear the opinions/culture/ideas of the “Other.” </p>
<p>Now with the internet, almost anyone can let their opinion be heard not only to everyone in their country, but to everyone in the world. Pure exposure to the “Other” allows one to reconcile the nature of self, and realize the absurdities of bigotry. I think our generation in unprecedented in their tolerance of others. I have personally noticed more incidences of interracial dating, marriage, and friendship. Objective evidence also seems to agree:</p>
<p>younger generations support interracial dating more than older generations
<a href=“http://pewresearch.org/assets/publications/1437-2.gif[/url]”>http://pewresearch.org/assets/publications/1437-2.gif</a></p>
<p>younger generations support gay marriage more often than older generations
<a href=“http://sfist.com/attachments/SFist_Brock/gay_marriage_graph.jpg[/url]”>http://sfist.com/attachments/SFist_Brock/gay_marriage_graph.jpg</a></p>
<p>On the other hand, our generation is also impatient. Technological advancements have given people living in industrialized nations more free time than ever. In the old days, it would take a substantial amount of time to carry out daily tasks. Now, with faster communications, faster computers, and more streamlined management services, time that used to be spent just fulfilling daily tasks can be spent doing other things. As a result, people have become bored of simple monotonous tasks, they are spoiled with using their free time to go out to eat, watch movies, and play video games.</p>
<p>I can see some of that in college life. People are always concerned with what is flashy, new, cool, and fun. Instead of volunteering at a local institution, many college students organize expensive trips abroad. Instead of consistent work habits to get a good grade, a lot of kids look for a “quick fix” in the form of adderall. I feel like sometimes people are forgetting that for thousands of years, daily life consisted of a series of boring tasks. It is only in the past century that leisure has really taken off.</p>
<p>I can never forget about the hard work and countless hours of dedication my parents gave to me so I could succeed. I feel like some of these values are lost in our current generation.</p>