<p>I want to go to an art school where rather than just be prepared for a field of work, I'll have a strong understanding of other parts of the world and other cultures and I'm not sure which schools stress this more than others. I'm sure that there are art schools with good study abroad programs, but for some reason it was hard to find any that offered study abroad. I'd really appreciate a list of art colleges that have good study abroad opportunities. :)</p>
<p>You might find it difficult to find a strong support for study abroad at an art school. Exceptions may be places like SCAD, or the college of art at NYU (which offers awesome study abroad programs). If studying abroad is one of your top priorities for your college career, I’d recommend expanding your search to liberal arts colleges (or universities) with strong art programs, because there seems to be a lot more support and flexibility with studying abroad, and the option to study language before/after your time abroad. That way you can major in art, and study abroad to either fulfill GE’s, or to fulfill major requirements by going abroad on one of the NYU programs, or to Italy with SACI, for example. </p>
<p>Another recommendation- search online (at studyabroad.com) for example, for art-heavy study abroad programs in the regions you might be interested, and then take a look at which colleges or universities facilitate those programs.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yes, I know SCAD lets you study abroad in Lacoste (and maybe Hong Kong) and I think that’s about it. I’m really torn between liberal arts colleges and art colleges because I want to go somewhere that, like a liberal arts college, will allow me to learn about different types of people and cultures, and just get a good view of the world, rather than focus solely on art. So in that way, I lean a lot more towards liberal arts types of schools rather than art schools, but I think that majoring in art at a liberal arts school wouldn’t give me the right training for the kind of job I want, because I’m pretty sure I want to go into animation or some other type of digital commmunication art. And I haven’t seen any liberal arts colleges with an animation major or a strong digital arts program. So to sum it up, I want to go to somewhere that gives you the kind of education that has the same values as the average liberal arts school, and hopefully has study abroad, yet be able to study animation, but I haven’t really seen any schools that seem to match this ideal yet. </p>
<p>Thank you for your thoughtful response, though! I’m just kind of leaning away from universities or liberal arts colleges since they don’t offer the kind of major I want, as far as I’ve seen.</p>
<p>Ooh. Yeah, I can see that being a struggle. If you haven’t already, check out USC’s Animation & Digital Arts program, and also Syracuse Uni and Ithaca Coll. in New York!</p>
<p>Okay, thank you :)</p>
<p>I second Eternal Icicle’s recommendation. As it turns out, USC students use the study abroad program run by Syracuse (as, of course, does Syracuse!) for art in Florence. My S was their last semester and had an experience of a lifetime. </p>
<p>However, the animation major is part of USC’s film school and has a very rigorous courseload. Make sure you check to see if ani majors have the time to do a study abroad semester. There is, of course, always summer session!</p>