What bad choices/good choices did you make when you are/were in highschool ?

-Summer school
-Taking French in high school even though I took Spanish in middle school. We honestly just didn’t learn much at all in Spanish 1, and I knew that even though I would be a year ahead, I would probably struggle a lot with a weak foundation

-Not opening up at the beginning of freshman year. I was really open and didn’t have trouble making friends in summer school, but when the school year started, I didn’t try to make friends and became a completely different person.
-Not doing summer reading (10% of quarter 1 English grade, got a C and an F on the tests)
-Giving up 2nd semester freshman year. I could have gotten a B+ in Algebra 2 had I studied for the final, and I could have gotten a B+ in English had I actually cared about the last paper
-Taking a class that I wasn’t really interested in. My best friend was taking it, and I thought that we would grow apart since we had no classes together.

-Dropping Honors Physics
-Taking Honors Algebra 2 freshman year. I loved it 1st semester and I’m glad I got ahead, but I really messed up 2nd semester by not trying hard enough

Getting involved early During my freshman year I was already involved in four clubs. Not only did this provide me extracurriculars but it also introduced me to a lot of people, which was difficult for me at first because I didn’t know anyone in my high school.
Challenging myself So far each year I’ve had the most challenging schedule as possible. While I’m a year behind in math and science compared to most students in my class who take AP classes because I lack prerequisites since I came from a private middle school, I still take the most difficult class I can.
Enjoying school Mentally, I feel like this is very important. While it is important to set challenges for yourself at school, you shouldn’t stress yourself about it too much, it’s not the end of the day if you get a low score on a test.

“Underestimating” classes I’ve recently had this habit of underestimating how difficult some of my classes are, so I don’t really take them seriously at first. This has had severe consequences because I would end up doing really poorly in the class at first, and I would struggle and stress over bringing my grades up.
Not studying I always, always tell myself to study for a test, but I never do…