what can i get into?

can anyone give me advice on the schools I could possibly get into?
I'm interested in places like Cornell, U Penn, Berkeley, UCLA, [dream: Stanford], but I don't know what my target schools should be.</p>

<p>I'm still in the second semester of my junior year, an American citizen but currently attending the Bilingual Department in a school in Taiwan.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.28 (weighted)
top 5% of my year (around 50 some students total)</p>

<p>10 honors courses from 9th grade to 11th...
9th: English (H), Math (H), Chinese 5, Biology, PE, Cooking, Badminton
10th: English (H), Math (H), AP Bio, Chinese 6, Chemistry, US History, PE
11th: English (H), Math (H), Chinese 7 (H), AP Chem, World History (H), Physics, PE,
12th (thinking of taking): AP English, AP Calc, Chinese 8 (H), AP Physics C, AP Econ micro/macro, AP US Govt</p>

<p>PSAT score: 220 (taking the SAT this saturday)
SAT II Bio: 750
SAT II Chem: 780
SAT II Chinese: 800
SAT II Math2C: 740</p>

<p>AP Bio: 5
AP Chem: not yet out yet.. most likely a 5?</p>

<p>Academic Honors/Awards:
•2nd place, 2005~2006 school year 1st semester grade
•2nd place, 2005~2006 school year 2nd semester grade
•Model Student, 2005~2006 school year
•Award for Perfect Attendance, for junior high school years
•Award for Academic Excellence, for junior high school years
•1st place, Math Bee for 9th grade Math Honors
•2nd place, 2006~2007 school year 1st semester grade
•3rd place, 2006~2007 school year 2nd semester grade
•3rd place, 2007~2008 school year 1st semester grade
•Citizenship Award, 2008 Jan. 18</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (up to this year):
1. Student Council, 3 years [headed 6 committees, in the Honor Council]
2. InterAct service club, 3 years [headed 7 committees]
3. Swim Team, 3 years [captain]
4. Debate Club, 3 years
5. Girls' Bball Team, 2 years</p>

•2007 NEHS School Anniversary MC
•2007~08 Prom Fundraising Committee Co-head
•2007 Halloween UNICEF Fundraiser: Costume Contest MC
•2007 Taipei Cicero English Debate Tournament
•2007 Exploravision Contest
•2007 HSINMUN Conference (delegation: Austria)
•2008 TAIMUN Conference (delegation: Cuba) ; Most Outstanding Delegate Award
•9th grade: 1st semester Class President
•10th grade: 1st semester Class Vice President
•11th grade: 2nd semester Class Vice President</p>

<p>Summer/Winter Break Activities:
•2005~06 winter: Short Courses on Biotechnology at the National Tsing-Hua University
•2006 summer: tutoring English composition and speech to a 12 yr. old local Chinese student
•Saturday Science Camp at the National Tsing-Hua University
•2007 summer: counselor at a 3-day English Summer Camp at Da-ping Elementary School; Community service at Zhen-Ai Institute for the Mentally Challenged
•2007~08 winter: tutored English to an elementary school student</p>

<p>any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated!!</p>