What can UCs find out about you? Early Action possibilities in other colleges?

<p>I am applying to most of the UCs and a couple public/private universities out of state. I heard that UCs can find out if you have been accepted to some other colleges/universities already. Is this true? Also another question I have regarding some of the public/private universities. Is there anything wrong in doing Early Action for all colleges/universities I can that are not binding? Will this increase or decrease my chances of getting into that specific college?</p>

<p>Sorry about all the questions, just curious x]</p>

<p>*Is this true? * No, it’s false.<br>
*Can you do multiple EAs? * Yes. But to do many of them would be foolish. The idea is to put your best energies into one or two and dive in. I think you’re mistaken if you think you can put your best efforts in on several apps before November</p>

<p>EA = increased chances. It depends on the college. For competitive ones, generally not.</p>