What career options do I have with these majors?

<p>I'm searching for the choices of jobs I will have after I graduate. The majors I am considering right now, in order of favoritism, are:</p>

<p>Linguistics (mainly theoretical)
Foreign languages (mainly Russian and German)
Comparative Literature

<p>I realize none of these are very practical (if they were, I probably wouldn't be asking this question). But what ARE my options? I'm okay with a double major as well as graduate school.</p>

<p>I think you’re doing this backwards. You’ll be in school 4-8 years and working 50. Why don’t you think about what careers interest you and plan your education accordingly?</p>

<p>My history teacher, before becoming a teacher, majored in anthropology and he worked with the film industry because of his expertise on Anglo Saxons for some movies. I know he worked with The Matrix, which I thought was pretty cool :]</p>

<p>Linguistics and foreign language people could find jobs with the federal government/FBI for translation, etc. Right now, the government really wants Arabic language majored students for foreign policy issues.</p>

<p>For philosophy and lit., all I can think of are teacehrs and professors.</p>