What chem class to take...

<p>So I was looking for a video of the famous MIT sodium drop on Google Video, and I found a 3.091 lecture (I did find the sodium drop video, which was pretty cool). I decided to watch the lecture and was thoroughly pleased by the professor (Prof. Sadoway, as I have now discovered). The way he taught was so energetic, vibrant, and clear that it interested me in taking the class. However, at the moment, I am pretty dead-set on a pre-med track. And on the MIT 2012 website, I found that 5.111 is "recommended for students who intend to pursue professional programs, minors, or majors requiring additional chemistry courses." This applies to me doubly, as I want to major in 9 (brain and cognitive sciences). Should I take 5.111 as opposed to 3.091 because of the major and career path I'm interested in? Or can I take 3.091 and still do what I want (i.e. major in 9, be pre-med, etc)? Any advice welcome.</p>

<p>You can take 3.091 and still pursue a premed track. But the chemistry department has found that students who take 5.111/2 do better on average in 5.12 and further chemistry courses than students who take 3.091.</p>

<p>From the chemistry department webpage, [here](<a href=“http://web.mit.edu/chemistry/www/academic/mitchemreq.html]here[/url]:”>http://web.mit.edu/chemistry/www/academic/mitchemreq.html):</a>

So one option would be to take 3.091 and take advantage of the help sessions offered prior to taking 5.12 in the spring. If it were me, to be honest, I’d just take 5.111/2 in the first place.</p>

<p>I agree with Mollie. While they are all introductory courses, 3.901 focuses on somewhat different things than 5.111/2, which have a lot more molecular/quantum based chemistry. They definitely give better preparation for 5.12/5.13 which you would need for a premed track.</p>