I’m just curious. I was accepted into ED1 and is super excited. However, whenever I mention Wesleyan University, no one has heard of it. I have a strong suspicion it has to do with the fact that I live in the south. Nonetheless, I’ve done my research, visited the school, and fell in love with it. I guess I just want everyone to love it too. I know, I’m being sappy!
D turned down Cal, UCLA, Virginia and UW Honors. She had to pull her LAC applications to apply ED1 to Wes. Those included Bowdoin, Middlebury, Whitman, Wellesley, Amherst, Williams and Carlton. Of the LACs she was recruited to row by Wellesley, Wes and Williams. It came down to Wes and Williams. She liked Amherst a lot but their rowing is club not varsity.
Don’t worry. You made a great choice, and kids tend to be happy with their choice there.
Wow, she turned down some pretty good schools. I didn’t get a chance to visit Amherst like I wanted to but I’m not worried. I’ve always wondered what UCLA is like but my parents wouldn’t allow me to go that far.
^ She grew up in Seattle, and kids here apply to the UCs. It’s like a rite of passage. It was her call, but I was relieved she was open to smaller schools.
What is UCLA like? It’s nice, and it’s huge. Other than that, I couldn’t tell you, except that if it’s anything like the school I attended, UW, it’s also impersonal.