<p>UW Madison, Accounting and Comp Sci</p>
<p>Cornell, Chemistry</p>
<p>Chicago, Econ</p>
<p>University of Rochester, Biochemistry</p>
<p>Emory University, probably a double major in Neuroscience and Philosophy.</p>
<p>ISU, chem e</p>
<p>If someone has a good, small, cheap transfer school in mind, I’m all ears. Please, I need to get out of here.</p>
<p>I’m minoring in math and com sci</p>
<p>Northwestern University.</p>
<p>Major in American Studies. Minors in Asian American Studies and Film and Media Studies.</p>
<p>University of alabama in Birmingham ftw!
Psychology major. Pre-med</p>
<p>San Jose State University
BA Biology. No, not pre-med</p>
<p>I’m an incoming freshman at Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Economics and sociology double major</p>
<p>Oxford College of Emory University :D</p>
<p>I’m the stereotypical premed kid.</p>