What college would you go to?

<p>So far, I have gotten into the following schools. I am still waiting on many more, put which one do you think is best for me.</p>

<p>-I intend on going to medical school
-Don't care about size of school or location too much(I prefer a city setting but don't place a huge importance on that)</p>

<p>Basically, which school will have the best reputation among medical schools as a challenging college in 4 years?</p>

<p>SUNY-Stony Brook
Elon University
University of Connecticut</p>

<p>Personally, UConn or Wisconsin, but I’d make my decision of which one would be cheaper for me.</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin- Madison</p>

<p>What state are you from?
If you’re from New York, Stonybrook/Binghamton could be your best bet unless Wisconsin/UConn will be just as cheap for you.
If you’re from Connecticut, UConn.
If you are from Wisconsin or any other state, go with Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Also Wisconsin and UConn are better schools than the SUNYs, the New York public college system is not the best and this is from a New Yorker.</p>

<p>If you want to know how grads do in medical school admissions, I’m sure they have that info. Most schools seem to have a med school admissions advising setup of some kind.</p>

<p>Note that some people say that some schools achieve a high admissions rate by strongly discouraging the less qualified from applying. (Which is not necessarily a bad thing: why encourage people to spend a lot of time and money applying when you are certain they won’t get in?) So you might want to find out what the typical stats of applicants/successful applicants are while you are at it.</p>

<p>remember that uconn is in the absolute middle of nowhere</p>

<p>I watched a UC promotional vid once and it was hilarious. Think of a dumb blonde jumping up and down and squealing “There’s always something cooking at UConn!” …that’s all I think of when someone talks about it.</p>

<p>good school though I’m sure. o.o</p>


<p>Go to which ever one is cheapest, especially because you want to go to Medical school. If they were all equal in price, however, I would go to Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Yeah, I agree – wherever it’s cheapest.</p>

<p>If you’re from NY, I’d recommend Stonybrook; great science program (and it’ll be cheap even if you’re OOS).
But basically, if you’re not, go with the cheapest one. It’ll save you money for med school.</p>

<p>I agree with you about the UConn commercials… they suck…</p>

<p>Uconn! Do you mind telling me what your stats are? I want to apply next year</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>