what colleges are for me?

<p>im a sophomore at a public high school. i have good grades... not amazing but good (3.85) and I take pretty much the hardest sched. you can at my school. I'm 4 years varsity in field hockey. I also play all winter on a club team, and lacrosse in the spring. I'm from Maryland and I'm interested in a college in either Massachusetts (Boston) or Rhode Island. I like the cold weather! I don't want a huge school, but not a tiny school either. I want a school with at least a little school spirit, because my high school is very spirited and I like that. I'm going on a trip up there in the winter and I want to know what schools might be up there. I am considering field hockey in college, but I will not choose my college by field hockey and I won't go somewhere I don't like because they offer a scholarship. The ones I know of are:
Boston College
UMass (I know it's not in Boston but it's still in Mass. so thats okay)
Providence College
Brown (dream school I think)</p>

<p>What others are there, and which ones do you think would fit me best? Thanks!</p>

<p>I have friends who attend Northeastern and Boston College and all of them love it. Never been there myself but I know both offer pretty good educations with what I would consider to be “high school spirit”, particularly BC.</p>

<p>If I were you, I’d check that the schools you’re applying to have both club and D1 field hockey options. That way, you’ll have options when it comes time to deciding if you want to play or not!</p>

<p>And I’m also not sure what you’re planning on majoring in, but in Boston there’s BU, Simmons (all-girls) which would probably be a safety, Bryant, Bentley, and Babson… but the last three I mentioned are business-heavy with Babson being only-business. You should definitely do research on all of them!</p>

<p>Good luck…study hard…keep those grades up…take the most challenging curriculum you can…</p>

<p>If you want Brown, research Brown, and aim for Brown. :)</p>

<p>Honestly, we can’t chance you for a school yet because you’re in your first semester of sophomore year and things could drastically change next year (for better or worse). However, I recommend you visit schools in your area to see which campuses you like and which schools are good for what you want to major in.</p>

<p>I live in Maryland about a half an hour away from UMD… I’m definitely not going there no way! I went to camp there… the freshman dorms are gross (like actually disgusting) and the campus is way spread out. I know thats what I DON’T want haha</p>