What colleges care the most about SAT?

<p>Could you give me a list of Universities that rely more heavily on SATs and standardized test scores than GPA/ other factors when considering admittance?</p>

<p>At almost all state schools, which have a formulaic approach, a high SAT score will balance a lower GPA.</p>

<p>yeah, larger state schools that don’t look as much at students holistically, but rather filter them out by numbers.</p>

<p>I’m not really aware of a school that, upon seeing a 2200 SAT and a 40% class rank, won’t wonder why such apparent intelligence failed to be applied to classwork. 90% of the time it is laziness or indifference, and neither bodes well for the rigors of college work.</p>

<p>Those chasing NMSF’s? For example, USC has been known to accept a 3.5 gpa + NMSF.</p>

<p>I agree with everyone that bigger schools are more concerned with the SAT because they don’t have a huge admissions staff to go through all the apps more closely. I found this great article about the admissions process at 3 competitive schools and how they weight test scores, etc. Hope this helps:</p>

<p><a href=“http://myusearchblog.com/borderline-college-applications-how-do-colleges-decide[/url]”>http://myusearchblog.com/borderline-college-applications-how-do-colleges-decide&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>UC’s like test scores and gpas. basically because of what letmeinnow said - don’t have time to go through apps more closely.</p>

<p>What is NMSF?</p>


National Merit Semi-Finalists.</p>

<p>[National</a> Merit Scholarship Corporation - NMSP](<a href=“http://www.nationalmerit.org/nmsp.php#semifinalists]National”>http://www.nationalmerit.org/nmsp.php#semifinalists)</p>

<p>If I get National Merit Commended Student which UC’s could I get into?</p>

<p>Hmom5 is on the dot, state schools</p>

<p>State schools yes.</p>

<p>Although I want to add that you shouldn’t depend on them. I got screwed over by UCB this year.</p>

<p>Duke has never denied anyone with a perfect SAT score, according to some people. I haven’t verified this but that’s what everyone’s saying.</p>

<p>I disagree with all of you, except for missyujin. Highly prestigious private universities rely heavily on the SAT.</p>


“Everyone” can say that the director of Duke admissions has 13 toes, but I’d still be skeptical. The Class of 2011 had [url=<a href=“http://pubaffairs.duke.edu/reports/sep07.pdf]321[/url”>http://pubaffairs.duke.edu/reports/sep07.pdf]321[/url</a>] perfect score applicants, and I highly doubt more than 60-70% of them were admitted.</p>

<p>I think of Carnegie Mellon as a possibility for someone with super SATs and okay grades.</p>