what colleges could I shoot for?

<p>Hi Im a hispanic junior who resides in Illinois and wants to major in business. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice as to what caliber of colleges would accept me given this transcript..</p>

<p>3.8 weighted gpa
Top 15% in my class of about 650 students
Have taken 3 APs and 9 Honors, I will take 2 more APs and 1 more Honors senior year
Im an AP Scholar which means I have gotten a 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams
I got a 33 on my ACT
I have been on cross country and track all years and have gone to sectionals and state
I was in the FBLA my junior year (Future Business Leaders of America)
I have a silver chord which means Ive done 50+ hours of community service
I will have two good letters of reccomendation
And finally I will have an essay about working for my father because he owns his own business. The essay goes into how every weekend, summer break, spring break, ect. I was working. Which would hopefully show the massive upper hand I have on other applicants when it comes to work experience</p>

<p>So yah if anyone could help me out and tell me what kinds of colleges would consider accepting me then thatd be great. Im a male by the way! </p>

<p>Sorry for any grammatical errors I wrote this on my iphone</p>

<p>I’m afraid I’m not very knowledgeable regarding business majors, but others may be and the following information would likely be helpful:</p>

<li><p>UW gpa; since schools weight differently.</p></li>
<li><p>Rigor of coursework; will your HS GC be marking most demanding, very demanding, demanding, etc. in relation to the other students at your school (the number of APs offered at different HSs varies as do policies on when APs can be taken, and adcoms will consider your schedule in the context of your HS).</p></li>
<li><p>Your financial situation; will you need and do you qualify for need based FA, will you need merit scholarships?</p></li>
<li><p>From what country is your Hispanic background, do you come from a low income family, are you first gen to college?</p></li>
<li><p>What are you looking for in a school; size, region of the country, city/suburban/rural, college atmosphere, etc.</p></li>

<p>Sorry, I forgot some question marks in the above post and it’s too late to edit. Also:</p>

<li>In what state are you a resident?</li>

<li>I dont know but probably very demanding</li>
<li>no my family is upper middle class and merit scholarships would be nice but money isnt a huge worry</li>
<li>My hispanic background is Mexican and Puerto Rican, my family as i said isnt low income, and my mom went thas a bachelors so no</li>
<li>Id like to go to a bigger state school