What colleges should I be looking at

<p>I'm a rising senior in california who is planning on majoring in EE/CE/CS</p>


English b/b
Hons Alg 2 b+/b+
Hons Geom b+/b+
Phys a-/b+
World His a/a-
Japanese b-/b-
Debate a+/a+
Art a-/b</p>

<p>GPA (w) 3.49</p>

Eng b/b
Hons Precalc b+/a-
APCS b+/a
Chem a/a
World 2 a-/a
Japanese b-/b-</p>


English b+/a-
AP Calc BC b+/a
AP Physics B b/a-
Honors Bio b/b
AP micro b
AP macro a-
APUSH a-/a</p>


CR 740
W 770
M 750</p>

Math2 790
USH 790
Phys 760
Bio 730</p>

APCS - 4
Calc, physics, micro, macro, apush - 5</p>

boy scouts 9th,10th grade
JV cross country 9th, 10th
Track 9th
Golf 10th</p>

<p>Cost and location are not problems in my college search.
Also, I was suspended for one day for "Academic Dishonesty" in 10th grade, how will that affect my college chances?</p>

<p>My class rank is probably around 50th percentile because I go to a small private school with many high achievers.</p>

<p>Honestly, your test scores are high but admissions hate “average” grades. Without knowing more, you don’t really stand out with anything. That hurts you when applying to elite colleges. You look like a good student so definitely apply to UC schools and other larger institutions. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>What other information is needed to help you all out.</p>

<p>What have you done over the summer? Work, internships? Have you volunteered anywhere? Are you competitive at a state/national level in anything? In essence, what are you interested in - what is your passion? Thousands of people, more or less, will apply for the same spot at your target colleges. Why are you a better candidate?</p>

<p>Good grades (upward trend is important) and nice test scores. Good but not exceptional ECs. The academic dishonesty will need to be ‘owned’ and discussed if you want it not to hurt, as in “I was incredibly stupid and immature and I learned from the experience and it’s never happened again.”</p>

<p>So what do you want in a school? Are you more interested in Tech schools (Harvey Mudd, Caltech, etc…) or do you want to be around non-techy people for these four years? How big or small? Urban/rural/suburban?</p>

<p>I have only traveled during my summers. Also I have no competitions to talk about. I visited hmc and thought that the techy people didn’t bother me, but I would prefer a bigger school for more people variety.</p>

<p>bump for more information</p>

<p>I actually got tagged for academic dishonesty too… Lucky for me- it’s not on my transcript! WOO HOO! You should talk to your principle about doing something to wipe it off of there. Some colleges could probably care less- others won’t even look at your application unless you explain it.</p>

<p>Your disciplinary record is different from your transcript. You were a minor and as such could not make or break a contract. It does not matter what the school reprimanded you for or what actions they took… You do not have to disclose any of this to your college, and your school will not be able to disclose it.</p>

<p>bump again</p>

<p>What are my chances for schools like

<p>Bump again, I found out that my suspension was for Lying and not “Academic Dishonesty”.
Also, I have a good essay about it and my counselor has said that he would work to portray it as a genuine mistake and it would probably have a minimal effect on my admissions. Additionally, I am also open to pursuing a math major.</p>

<p>Also, what are my chances for schools like uchigaco or nyu? Super reaches?</p>

<p>wow the structure of this post is terrible…</p>