What colleges should I start looking into?

<p>Hi, I'm a Junior who lives in south Jersey. I've started to contemplate which schools I should apply to (Early Decision and regular).</p>

<p>GPA: (After Junior Year (weighted/projected at this time)) 6.25/7.00 (possibly 6.48 by end of senior year) [I messed up sophomore year unfortunately]
SAT Score: 2280 overall
SAT Subject Test Math Level 2: 780
SAT Subject Test Biology/E: 760
SAT Subject Test Physics C: 790
SAT Subject Test US History (Plan to take October next year):</p>

<p>Course load:
All Honors/AP
After Junior year, will have
4 Years of Math, 3 years of english, 5 years of science, 3 years of history (1 online), and 2 years of language</p>

<p>AP tests I'm planning on taking this year
Math AP BC (expecting a 5)
English AP (expecting a 3/4)
Statistics AP (Expecting a 4/5)</p>

<p>After School Activities:
Habitat for humanity (co-president)
FDA (Future doctors of America) (President)
FOP (community service program, helps special needs kids) (Chairperson)
Blood Drive (Chairperson)
DECA business competition (possibly?)</p>

<p>Activity I plan to add next year:
NJ Science League Physics 2</p>

<p>do you care about size? location? “vibe/feel” of school? potential majors?</p>

<p>well location, as south as gerogia, as west as michigan/illinois</p>

<p>Community Colleges…</p>