What colleges should I start looking into?

<p>Hi, I'm a Junior who lives in south Jersey. I've started to contemplate which schools I should apply to (Early Decision and regular).</p>

<p>GPA: (After Junior Year (weighted/projected at this time)) 6.25/7.00 (possibly 6.48 by end of senior year) [I messed up sophomore year unfortunately]
SAT Score: 2280 overall
SAT Subject Test Math Level 2: 780
SAT Subject Test Biology/E: 760
SAT Subject Test Physics C: 790
SAT Subject Test US History (Plan to take October next year):</p>

<p>Course load:
All Honors/AP
After Junior year, will have
4 Years of Math, 3 years of english, 5 years of science, 3 years of history (1 online), and 2 years of language</p>

<p>AP tests I'm planning on taking this year
Math AP BC (expecting a 5)
English AP (expecting a 3/4)
Statistics AP (Expecting a 4/5)</p>

<p>After School Activities:
Habitat for humanity (co-president)
FDA (Future doctors of America) (President)
FOP (community service program, helps special needs kids) (Chairperson)
Blood Drive (Chairperson)
DECA business competition (possibly?)</p>

<p>Activity I plan to add next year:
NJ Science League Physics 2</p>

<p>Perhaps if you have a specific interest eg. investment banking, molecular biology, portugese history etc we could provide better answers. Not all departments at a school are created equal.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins University sounds pretty good for you.</p>

<p>You have to give us a little more guidence here about what you are looking for:</p>

<p>-size: LAC? mid-sized? large public universities?<br>
-what part of the country? weather? urban/suburban/rural?
-is religious affiliation an issue? single sex vs. co-ed? heavy Greek?<br>
-fit: are you artsy? quirky? jock? conservative? activist?
-do you need financial aid?</p>

<p>If you provide a little more guidence, you’ll get better feedback.</p>

<p>size: i don’t really care
part of the country: as far west as illinois/michigan
co-ed (obviously), don’t really want to go to a religious affiliated school
i dont need financial aid
fit: i usually assimilate everywhere, except maybe in the groups that study all day</p>

<p>colleges I like</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins
University of Michigan
Carnegie Mellon
UPenn (although a big reach)</p>

<p>look at Duke, Vanderbilt, William & Mary, Georgetown as well.</p>

<p>I advise you to look a book whick is called "美国本科申请之成功谈“</p>

<p>I recently read a great book on the admissions process at the top colleges you would be wise to look over as you start your college search: The New Rules of College Admissions, Ten Former Admissions Officers Reveal What It Takes To Get Into College Today</p>

<p>This book is written by actual former Admissions Staff from some of America’s top colleges such as UPenn, Columbia, Holy Cross, NYU, Georgetown, Northwestern, Brandeis, Yale, MIT.</p>

<p>You need a few safeties on your list.</p>

<p>I agree with M’s Mom that you need at least one safety. But I like your list otherwise.</p>

<p>well for safeties</p>

<p>there’s Rutgers, Penn State, and UConn</p>

<p>You have great scores, but how do you rank against your class? Eve if your school doesn’t rank, they know where you stad and we can’t give you real guidance without an aprox rank.</p>

<p>I find out my rank in a few months</p>

<p>but if the rankings are similar this year as was last year</p>

<p>i’m probably top 4-7%</p>

<p>oh and I have governor’s school of engineering and technology this summer</p>