<p>What countries where they last year?
Is woods book still fine, cbecause that's definately the most popular.</p>
<p>Last year the Comp Gov't countries were:</p>
<p>Such an easy test.</p>
<p>I think there's a new country this year.</p>
<p>not sure though</p>
<p>There are still the same 6 countries that Golden Bear mentioned with no additions. The Ethel Wood book is definitely the best, but it doesn't cover a [very] small portion of the information. This isn't that important, though. You don't need to get a perfect raw score to get a 5. Good luck!</p>
<p>Great so woods book has all this info (I mean the countries tested this year) Thanks!!</p>
<p>"There are still the same 6 countries that Golden Bear mentioned with no additions."</p>
<p>Oops, sorry then.</p>
<p>Christalena: you were probably thinking of the recent changes to the exam. I don't exactly know what it was like before the changes, nor do I know the date of the changes (probably some time within the last two or three years). I know that the six countries were part of the change, though. Sorry for this post's lack of eloquence (how many times have I said change(s)?). No time to write nicely..</p>
<p>I checked the free response and yeah last year it was the same </p>
<p>before that they had china, and other countries.</p>
<p>Isn't there a new ethel wood book coming out?</p>
<p>rockermcr: I have non-elequent posts all throughout this forum. No worries.</p>
<p>Yea, I was probably thinking of a while ago.</p>
<p>They just came out with a new edition last year or so. (it's the 2nd)</p>
<p>Is it worth geting?
2nd edition since the 1st coveres basically everything?</p>
<p>I say it is worth it because I think its always best to have the most current guides.</p>
<p>Yeah I agree with Ilovesoftball. Instead of fretting over whether or not your book is complete, why not just get the most recent one (assuming you have the resources)? If you're still sceptical, go to a bookstore and look through the new edition, and see for yourself if there are any major differences.</p>
<p>Not to mention world politics changes dramatically from year to year.</p>
<p>And I don't think the first edition has all the countries, but I could be wrong.</p>
<p>World politics do change from year to year, but I don't think that the exam is that up-to-date. Don't you think teachers that teach the subject would have a heart attack if the curriculum changed every year?</p>
<p>^^ seriously! Well, the congress (or whatever country's congress) passed this law, and then the courts overthrew the law last year, now it is pending to bring it back this year.</p>
<p>sheesh...keeping things up to date from year to year must be hard!</p>