What course to take over summer?

<p>I am finishing my junior year at my high school right now and i need suggestions on what I should take over summer at a local community college.</p>

<p>So far I have my math skills up to ap calc ab and ap physics b in science.</p>

<p>Here are my options:</p>


<p>PHYS& 121 General Physics I
PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I</p>


<p>ENGR& 104 Introduction To Design (5)</p>

<p>ENGR 106 Intro To Engr Problems (3)</p>

<p>ENGR& 114 Engineering Graphics (5)</p>

<p>ENGR 120 Eng Computational Tools (2)</p>

<p>ENGR& 214 Statics (5)</p>

<p>F ENGR& 225 Mechanics Of Materials (5)</p>

<p>Next year I will be self-studying AP Physics C so I am thinking taking a Physics class may help but then on the other side I will also be leading a FIRST robotics team and need some more knowledge in engineering.</p>

<p>Also what will be more helpful in the long run? I am thinking about doing mechanical/aerospace engineering and would like some experience.</p>

<p>Thank you for reading</p>

<p>Honestly, I don’t see reason enough to take undergrad-level engineering courses just now. Physics C is one of the harder APs, so I would concentrate on that.</p>

<p>I have already decided to take the class its just matter of which one.</p>

<p>bump hump dump lump chump</p>

<p>How about a CS class? Broaden your range.</p>

<p>what is cs class</p>

<p>Computer Science</p>

<p>you think so? i am joining a robotics club next year but i dont know if computer science will be helpful?</p>

<p>I don’t know how helpful it’ll be to robotics, but CS is something most students don’t get experience with in High School, so it could help you make better decisions about what you really want to do in college.</p>

<p>C++ Programming 5
CS& 131 Computer Science I C++ 5
C SCI 143 C++ Data Structures 5 CS 132 5
C SCI 144 Java 1 5 CS& 141 Computer Science I Java 5
C SCI 145 Java 2 5 CS 145 5
C SCI 215 Introduction To Unix 3 CS 215</p>

<p>these are all the cs classes they offer</p>

<p>Learning C++ could be interesting.</p>

<p>i dont know it seems these things can be easily learned from the internet because you can read and test right away while physics is more lecture based. so i think it may be better to take physics or engineering at cc</p>

<p>bumpity bump</p>