What deadlines should high school seniors be aware of in 2023-24?

I got an email from my son’s college explaining the 2024-2025 FAFSA won’t won’t be available on October 1 as usual because of the FAFSA Simplification Act. It got me thinking about the general calendar for high school seniors. I extracted key events from our detailed guidance for juniors seniors:

Event Dates Notes
Common Application opens August 1
Early Decision applications due October through December Most schools are either November 1 or November 15.
Early Action applications due October through December Most schools are November 1, November 15 or December 1.
Regular Decision applications due November through February Varies by school.
Early Decision II applications due December through February Most schools are either January 1 or January 15.
Regular Decision notifications February and March Most schools announce by April 1.
College Decision Day May 1 Deposits due for the school students will attend

Most seniors will have already taken the SAT and/or ACT as juniors, but some might plan to take those tests in an attempt improve their scores. Many seniors will also be taking AP tests.

Test Date
ACT September 9
SAT October 7
ACT October 28
SAT November 4
SAT December 2
ACT December 9
Advanced Placement May 6-10
Advanced Placement May 13-17

There are also deadlines for scholarships and financial aid. Note that each school has their own deadlines for financial aid.

Event Dates Notes
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) semifinalists notified Early September
College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile opens October 1
FAFSA opens December Usually opens on October 1, but it will open in December for 2024-25.
National Merit Finalists (NMF) notified February
Update first choice school for NMF March through May
NMSC winners notified March to mid-June
FAFSA due June 30 Please note that schools usually have earlier deadlines!

What milestones did I miss? I’m opening this post up for edits or feel free to leave a comment below.


CSS Profile opens 10/1, as usual. Filing deadlines are specific to college and round of admission

Likewise, FAFSA deadlines are college/round of admission specific, even though FAFSA won’t be available until December.

Also, although technically the final FAFSA deadline is June 30, if one wants a financial aid package in a timely manner they have to make each school’s FAFSA deadline for the round the student applied.

List first choice school for NMF status - typically March - May 31 (again, college specific)

Note that February is misspelled in a few places in the original post.

Doh! I’ll blame copy and paste. :wink:

Thanks! I separated out the scholarship and financial aid deadlines into a separate table.

That June 30 deadline is June 30 at the end of their college academic year…not June 30 of the high school year. The FAFSA can be filed any time before June 30 of the academic year…although all filings must be complete and processed before the actual academic year for your college ends.

@kelsmom will correct me if I’m wrong.

Re: deadlines. Deadlines for everything are listed on every college website…and those deadlines vary wildly. You should make note of the deadlines that you need to adhere to…and do NOT miss them for either applications or financial aid.

Things to really look for…

  1. Any priority deadlines for things like scholarship considerations, financial aid, honors colleges, etc.
  2. Deadlines for early action and early decision if those are what you are doing.

Yes, the June 30 deadline is June 30 of the financial aid year (so June 30, 2025 for the 2024-25 academic year). That’s the date by which the FAFSA has to be properly submitted - that is, everything has to be in line so that it will process without rejecting. And by that time, it will only be valid for Pell (assuming the student is Pell eligible). It will be too late to borrow loans. Loans have to be requested and certain steps must be completed while the student is enrolled at least half time. So while the technical deadline to file the FAFSA is June 30, the practical deadline would be earlier (with the exception of Pell). And if the FAFSA is selected for verification, there are deadlines for that to be completed, as well.

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